

初三英语 U5---U8词语集锦
1. dance to music 随着音乐跳舞
2. sing along with music 随着音乐唱歌
3. great lyrics 优美的歌词
4. remind sb. of = make sb. think of 提醒某人;使某人想起
5. Brazilian dance music 巴西舞曲
6. what kind of music 什么种类的音乐
7. quiet and gentle music 舒缓柔和的音乐
8. one CD called Heart Strings 一盘名叫《心弦》的专辑
9. over the years 近年来
10. look for entertainment 寻求乐趣
11. have a few good features 有些优点
12. be sure to do sth. 一定要做某事
13. make some great movies 拍些精彩影片
14. on display = on show 展览
15. a world —class photographer 一位世界级的摄影师
16. miss the exhibition 错过这次展览
17. prefer…to=like… better than 与……相比更喜欢
18. musical groups with… 带有 … 的音乐组合
19. be full of energy 充满活力
20. to be honest 说实在的
21. be lucky to do sth. 做某事幸运
22. six—month English course 六个月的英语课
23. suit sb. just fine 正适合某人
24. get together 聚在一起
25. be bad/good for sb. 对某人有害/有益
26. be in agreement 意见一致
27. stay away from 远离;与……保持距离
28. eat a balanced diet 饮食均衡
29. be shocked by 对……感到震惊

1. trek through the jungle 穿越丛林旅行
2. take it easy 从容,不紧张
3. go somewhere relaxing 去令人放松的地方
4. some/one day 某一天
5. consider doing sth. 考虑做某事
6. travel around Paris 环游世界
7. one of the liveliest cities in Europe 欧洲最有活力的城市之一
8. Take the underground train=take the subway乘地铁
9. in general 总体来说,一般而言
10. pack light clothes 打包轻便的衣服
11. quite an expensive place 高消费的地方
12. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.向某人提供
13. be supposed to do sth.=should do sth. 应该做某事
14. do lots of outdoor activities 做大量户外运动
15. be away 离开,外出
16. save money by doing sth. 通过……来省钱
17. sail across the Pacific Ocean 横渡太平洋
18. thousands of 数以千计的
19. the finding of a survey about… 关于……的调查结果
20. take part in 参加
21. after finishing one’s education 完成教育之后
22. according to 根据
23. continue doing sth. 继续做某事
24. quite a few 相当多,许多
25. computer programming 电脑编程
26. be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事
27. achieve one’s dream 实现梦想
28. come true 实现
29. have a good education 接受良好的教育
30. less realistic dreams 不太现实的梦想
31. on the other hand 另一方面
32. hold on to 坚持,继续
33. dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事
34. translate…into… 把……译成……
35. as soon as possible/sb. can 尽快地
36. It’s convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做事便利
37. go trekking 去长途跋涉

1. clean up the city parks 打扫城市公园
2. help homeless people 帮助无家可归的人
3. cheer up sick kids 使生病的孩子振作起来
4. give out food 分发食品
5. come up with = think up 想出,想起
6. put off making a plan 推迟制定计划
7. Clean –Up Day 卫生清洁日
8. put up signs 张贴标语
9. hand out advertisements 发广告
10. call up =ring up 打电话
11. set up =establish 建立,建造
12. volunteer one’s time to do sth. 自愿花费时间做某事
13. each of them 他们每一个
14. a major commitment 一个重大的奉献
15. at her local elementary school 在她当地的小学
16. not only ---but(also)--- 不但------而且------
17. what kind of volunteer work 何种自愿者工作
18. run out of money 用光了钱
19. take after sb.=be similar to sb. 与某人相像
20. fix up=repair 修理
21. a radio interviewer 电台记者
22. ask for 要求,请求
23. a call-in center 听众来电直播节目中心
24. work out 产生结果;解决
25. give away sth. to charity 赠送某物给慈善机构
26. make a pen pal website 建个笔友网站
27. hang out 闲逛
28. disabled people 残疾人
29. fill ---with---=be full of 充满,装满
30. help me out 帮我解决困难
31. get a specially trained dog 得到一只受过特殊训练的狗
32. because of your kind donation 因为你好心的捐赠
33. thank you for supporting “Animal Helpers”感谢支持“动物助手”
34. at once =right away 立刻,马上

1. bathing suit 泳装
2. a travel guidebook 旅游手册
3. clean out the refrigerator 清理冰箱
4. lock the garage 锁车库
5. turn off the radio 关收音机
6. get back to sb. 过一会再与某人通话
7. love listening to him 爱听他说
8. chop wood 劈材
9. light the fire for breakfast 生活做早饭
10. collect water from the village well 从村里的水井汲水
11. live on the farm 住在农场
12. win an award 获奖
13. be on TV 上电视
14. on the music scene 在乐坛上
15. in the last twelve months 在过去的一年里
16. have three major concerts 举行三次大型演唱会
17. be sure not to do sth. 务必不要做某事
18. lead singer 主唱者
19. be off 离开
20. say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别
21. do chores 做家务
22. It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
23. one more thing 还有一件事
24. a Chinese Canadian 一位华裔加拿大人
25. a young overseas Chinese 一位年轻的海外华人
26. In Search of Roots 《寻根》
27. so far =up to now 到目前为止
28. between 16 and 25 years old 在16到25岁之间
29. during the two-week camp 两周的野营期间
30. study Chinese culture 研究中国文化
31. experience village life 体验乡村生活
32. go for walks 去散步
33. thanks to 幸亏,由于
34. take sth. with sb. 随身携带
35. look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事
第1个回答  2011-11-02
狼藉 颓唐 簌簌 蹒跚 尴尬 触目伤怀 情郁于中 琐屑 震悚 全是初中的词语成语



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