找一首英文歌,开头是oh ohohoh oh ohohoh,女生唱的

就是这个顺序,一开头一个OH 后面三个OH一起。 抒情歌 有点RNB的风,中间好像有男的RAP了两句,大概还有的歌词是you give me everything,bacause you are what i need.求各位英文歌帝帮找下谢谢,不是HEY OH 或者trouble is friend.不是舞曲,节奏蛮慢的

这是一首很经典的老歌 Don't You Forget About Me 永远的回忆


Girl: Mom is sick 妈妈病了
She says she can't get up 她说已经不能起床
I know my brother is getting hungry 我知道弟弟饿了
I must go to the village to ask for some food 我必须去村子里给他要些食物来
Would you help me 你能帮帮我么
Boy: Sure, Cony. I'll help ya 当然,康妮。我会帮助你的
Girl: Are you always build case when you with me?
Boy: You are my friend, Cony 你是我的朋友
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you 你会永远和我在一起么 ,当我们都长大?
Boy: Cross my heart 穿过我的内心
Don't you forget about me 别忘记我
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young 我们还年轻
In a world of innocence 天真无邪
Don't you forget about me 别忘记我
Don't you forget all our dreams 别忘记我们所有的梦想
Are you gone away 你要离开么
Only emptiness we makes 只留下空白

Girl: Are you always build case when you with me 当你和我在一起, 你是否会总为我遮蔽风雨
Boy: You are my friend, Cony 你是我的朋友 康妮
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you 当我们长大 你是否还伴我一起
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
这首歌是叫 BABY YOU KNOW 要是没错的话。
是Jessica Lucas唱的,然后FEAT. Brandon T. Jackson

enjoy the music (^-^)本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-10-20
Fiecare clipa pictata-n roz,
Tre'sa recunosc,iti apartine
Si nici macar eu nu ma cunosc
Asa cum ma stii pe mine
Ma tem uneori ca ai sa pleci
Si nu vreau sa ma lasi fara tine
Iar eu nu sunt eu
De fapt,fara tine,sunt nimeni

Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat

Ficare clipa trecuta-n alb
A insemna ca tu fost departe
Uneori ma intreb daca esti real
Sau inchipuit din printr-o carte
Ma tem uneori ca ai sa pleci
Si nu vreau sa ma lasi fara tine
Iar eu nu sunt eu
De fapt,fara tine,sunt nimeni

Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat!
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat!
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat!
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat!

Ma cuprinzi incet..ma stangi la piept
Imi spui ca nu..n-ai sa pleci prea curand
Ma cuprinzi incet..ma stangi la piept
Imi spui ca nu..n-ai sa pleci prea curand

Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat!
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat!
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat!
Ce frumoasa e iubirea
Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat!

第3个回答  2020-12-25
Call you tonight是这个吗
第4个回答  2011-10-20



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