地震中的父与子 相关资料


《地震中的父与子》原作者是美国作家马克·汉林(Mark Victor Hansen)。   马克·汉林是一个专业性演讲者,在过去二十年,他在32个以上的国家对2百万人已超过了4千次演讲。他的讲座包括优秀的销售策略;个人的能力和发展等。   他给不同的人带来积极和深远的影响。在他的职业生涯中,他始终鼓舞成千上万的人创造一个更加强大、更有自己的未来。马克是多产作家,有着与写作伙伴Canfield杰克的心灵鸡汤系列。   马克也创作了一系列书籍、录音带、VCD,使得他的听众认识和发挥在生意和个人生活中自己的潜能。他的讯息,使他成为受欢迎的电视和电台的人物。他也出现在许多杂志的封面。
第1段(1-14节):在地震后,父亲不顾危险地寻找儿子。   第2段(15-23节):父亲终于发现了儿子。   第3段(24节):父子终于相聚。
1)“在这混乱中,一位年轻的父亲安顿好受伤的妻子,冲向他7岁的儿子的学校。   (父亲关爱孩子,担心孩子会有危险了。冲”字,这个动作体现了这位父亲急切的心情,他迫切地希望孩子能够平安。)   (2)当看到教学楼已成为一片废墟时“他顿时感到眼前一片漆黑,大喊:“阿曼达,我的儿子。”   (父亲见到废墟以为儿子已经死了,他感到极度痛心,体现了他失去儿子的悲痛心情)   (3)“跪在地上大哭了一阵后,他猛地想起自己常对儿子说的一句话:“不论发生什么,我总会跟你在一起!他坚定地站起身,向那片废墟走去。”   (父亲看到了希望,他相信儿子会记住他的话,有一个坚定的信念支持着他,所以他──坚定地站起身)   (4)这位父亲问:“你是不是来帮助我?”   (这句话在文章中出现了3次,运用了反复的写作手法。体会出父亲渴望得到别人的帮助,一直坚信自己的儿子没有死。)   (5)“他挖了8小时,12小时,24小时,36小时,没人再来阻挡他。他满脸灰尘,双眼布满血丝,衣服破烂不堪,到处都是血迹。”   (父亲坚信儿子没有死,奋力拯救儿子,顾不得休息,可见这父亲对儿子爱的伟大,有些父母看到废墟痛苦后绝望地走了,这形成了鲜明的对比。而这位父亲不理他人的劝阻,只有一个信念──儿子在等他,可见父亲对儿子深深的爱。)   (6)儿子看到爸爸来救他,自信地告诉爸爸,他曾经对同学说的话:“只要我爸爸活着……,他总会和我们在一起。”   (儿子对父亲的信任,他坚信父亲会来救他。即使在最危险,最艰险的时刻,儿子对爸爸的的信念都没有动摇。)   (7)"不,爸爸,先让我的同学出去吧!我知道你会跟我在一起,我不怕。不论发生了什么,我知道你总会跟我在一起。" (儿子还是个舍己为人的人,在父亲救他的时候,他让同学们先出去,要父亲先救他人,这是一般孩子很难做到的,而这又是那朴实但又强有力的话语。)
第1个回答  2011-11-10
给你英文的 因为我是个美国人

One year, a major earthquake in Los Angeles United States, 30 million people in less than four minutes of time by varying degrees of damage.
  In the confusion, a young father settled the injured wife, rushed into his year-old son's school. That old children's laughter filled the beautiful three-story classroom building, has been turned into rubble.
  He suddenly felt dark eyes, shouted: "Amanda, my son!" Kneeling on the floor crying for a while, he suddenly remembered that he often said to his son's words: "No matter what happens, I always told with you! "he firmly stood up, walked to the piece of rubble.
  He knew his son's classroom in the floor of the left rear corner, then walked quickly go there.
  Digging in his time, there have been hurried parents came to see the ruins, they wept and shouted: "My son!" "My daughter!" Cried after they left in despair . Some people pull up the father, said: "too late, there is no hope." The father of his eyes and looks at these good people, asked: "Who wants to help me?" No one gave him a positive answer, he buried then dug.
  Fire captain stopped him: "Too dangerous, explosion may occur at any time, please leave."
  The father asked: "Did you help me?"
  Police came: "You sad, I can understand, can do to yourself, others at risk, immediately go home."
  "You are not to help me?"
  People shake their heads and walked away with, considered the father because the loss of a child too much grief, and mental disorders of.
  But the father had only one thought: "My son waiting for me!"
  He dug for eight hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, no one stop him again. His face was dust, his eyes bloodshot, clothes ragged, blood everywhere. Dug the first 38 hours, he suddenly heard under the rubble came the child's voice: "Dad, are you?"
  Son's voice! His father shouted: "Amanda! My son!"
  "Dad, really you?"
  "I, my father! My son!"
  "I told the students not to fear, that as long as my father would come and save me alive, it can save you because you said, no matter what happens, you always with me!"
  "Do you now how? There are several children alive?"
  "Here we have 14 students, are alive, we are in the classroom corner, the roof fall down into a large triangular aircraft, we did not smashed with."
  His father shouted to the surrounding shouting: "There are 14 children, all alive! Come on people!"
  Passers-by ran to come and help.
  50 minutes later, opened a safe exit out.
  Father, trembling voice, said: "Come out! Amanda."
  "No! Father. Let my students go out! I know you will with me, I am not afraid. No matter what happens, I know you always with me."
  This great father and son, very happy a big hug.
  One year, a major earthquake in Los Angeles United States, 30 million people in less than four minutes of time by varying degrees of damage.
  In the confusion, a young father settled the injured wife, rushed into his year-old son's school. That old children's laughter filled the beautiful three-story classroom building, has been turned into rubble.
  He suddenly felt dark eyes, shouted: "Amanda, my son!" Kneeling on the floor crying for a while, he suddenly remembered that he often said to his son's words: "No matter what happens, I always told with you! "he firmly stood up, walked to the piece of rubble.
  He knew his son's classroom in the floor of the left rear corner, then walked quickly go there.
  Digging in his time, there have been hurried parents came to see the ruins, they wept and shouted: "My son!" "My daughter!" Cried after they left in despair . Some people pull up the father, said: "too late, there is no hope." The father of his eyes and looks at these good people, asked: "Who wants to help me?" No one gave him a positive answer, he buried then dug.
  Fire captain stopped him: "Too dangerous, explosion may occur at any time, please leave."
  The father asked: "Did you help me?"
  Police came: "You sad, I can understand, can do to yourself, others at risk, immediately go home."
  "You are not to help me?"
  People shake their heads and walked away with, considered the father because the loss of a child too much grief, and mental disorders of.
  But the father had only one thought: "My son waiting for me!"
  He dug for eight hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, no one stop him again. His face was dust, his eyes bloodshot, clothes ragged, blood everywhere. Dug the first 38 hours, he suddenly heard under the rubble came the child's voice: "Dad, are you?"
  Son's voice! His father shouted: "Amanda! My son!"
  "Dad, really you?"
  "I, my father! My son!"
  "I told the students not to fear, that as long as my father would come and save me alive, it can save you because you said, no matter what happens, you always with me!"
  "Do you now how? There are several children alive?"
  "Here we have 14 students, are alive, we are in the classroom corner, the roof fall down into a large triangular aircraft, we did not smashed with."
  His father shouted to the surrounding shouting: "There are 14 children, all alive! Come on people!"
  Passers-by ran to come and help.
  50 minutes later, opened a safe exit out.
  Father, trembling voice, said: "Come out! Amanda."
  "No! Father. Let my students go out! I know you will with me, I am not afraid. No matter what happens, I know you always with me."
  This great father and son, very happy a big hug.
第2个回答  2011-11-07



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