
谁可以帮硪翻译一下这个英语故事啊? O(∩_∩)O谢谢 第一段Brownie and spotty were neighbor dogs who met every dag to ploy together the pair of dogs love each other and they ofteh stayed together one evening. Brownie's family noticed that Browniehadn't returned home. they went looking for him withno success. Brownie didn't show up the next day . and despite their effects to find him, by the next week he was stiu missing. 第2段curiausly, spotty shoned up at Brownie's house alone , barking. whining(哀叫) , and generally bothering Brownie's human family . Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog Finally, one morhing spotty de cided to take no" for an answer Ted , Browine's owner, was steadily annoyed by the determined little dog spotty fouowed Ted about, barking irsistently, then yunning back and forth to a nearby emptu land , as if to say, "Follow me! It's urgent!" Ted followed spotty across the empty land eventually, as spotty pansed to race back and bark encouraginglg the little dog led the man under a fence, past many tyees. to a deserted spot a half mile from the house. 第3段There Tod found his beloved Brownie a live-----one of his hird legs was crushed(压伤) in a steel leg--hold trap kegretfully, Ted wished hed taken spotty's e arlier appeals seriously. 第4段Then Ted noticed somethiny quite remarkable-----spotty had done more than simply lead Brownie's human to his friend In a circle around the injwed dog. Ted found a lot of dog food and table cloth. which were identified as the remains of every meal spotty had been fed that week! 第5段spotty had been visiting Brownie regnlarly, in a single minded thaught to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort!


第1个回答  2011-10-29







第2个回答  2011-10-30
第3个回答  2014-01-13
Brownie and Spoti are neighbors, the two met every day to play together dog. As in almost any community to find pairs of dogs, these two loved each other, often played together, between the two had worn a path. One evening, Brownie's family found that it did not go home, a search did not find. The second day, Brownie didn't show up. Despite their efforts to find him, by the second week, it's still missing. Oddly, Spoti alone in the host bark, brownie, wailing, still haunted house, but they were so busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous neighbor dog. One morning, Spoti finally refused to take "no" for an answer. Ted, Brownie's owner was the rage, he's really not letting this go dog harassment incessantly. Spoti was followed Ted, barking insistently, then went to the near ground, and flee back, it seems to say: "come with me! In case of emergency!" Finally, Ted followed the frantic spotty across the field, the dog paused to race back, bark encouragingly. It took ted through, from a tree by clumps of trees, to a half mile from the house a wasteland. There, Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap. Ted was shocked, regret not seriously Spoti's help. Then, an extraordinary sight greets. Spoti not only led Brownie's human owner to histrapped friend. In around the injured dog, Ted found a lap dog food and table scraps -- later proved that week every meal Spotty had been fed to eat the food left! Spoti has been visiting Brownie regularly, undivided attention to keep his friend alive, not to hesitate to endure hardship. Obviously, Spoti with brownie, protecting it from other predatory animal invasion, snuggling with him at night as well, with the muzzle arch it up the spirit of it. Brownie's leg was treated by a veterinarian. For many years thereafter, the two neighbors often can see the faithful friends play, in two houses down that well worn path the grass chasing each other.
第4个回答  2020-04-23



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