

this is my bag .i know that most of us have one or more of it .however ,i am sure that mine is different ,because it is given by my dear mother fou my birthday .it is pink ,on which tow lovely cats playing ,and nearby is their mother who is looking at her chirden with deeply love .in the morning ,i often go to school with it ,i like it as it contains the care and love of my dear mother .i believe i can do much better in the future with its company

Father wear white shirts 爸爸穿白色的衬衣
Mom wear orange T-shirt 妈妈穿橙色的T恤
Sister wear blue jeans 姐姐穿蓝色的牛仔裤
Grandma wearing yellow sweater 奶奶穿黄色的毛衣
Brother wore a black hat, very handsome! 哥哥戴着黑色的帽子,非常帅!
Grandpa to wear black sweater 爷爷穿黑色毛衣
I wear a white skirt, very beautiful!我穿白色裙子,很漂亮~追问



Father wear white shirts 爸爸穿白色的衬衣
Mom wear orange T-shirt 妈妈穿橙色的T恤
Sister wear blue jeans 姐姐穿蓝色的牛仔裤
Grandma wearing yellow sweater 奶奶穿黄色的毛衣
Brother wore a black hat, very handsome! 哥哥戴着黑色的帽子,非常帅!
Grandpa to wear black sweater 爷爷穿黑色毛衣
I wear a white skirt, very beautiful!我穿白色裙子,很漂亮~


先谢谢,我想要一篇关于某种颜色的,例如:red is the colour of heat and represents power and strong feelings


第一个main point 我打算讲冷/热颜色系列的人 性格偏向,结合上面的文章一起看一下比较有帮助:
Research in the field of psychophysiology suggests that warm or high wavelength colors such as reds, oranges, and yellows, may have physiological effects opposite those of low wavelength or cool colors, such as blues, greens and whites (Bellizi et al., 1983 and Bellizi and Hite, 1992 J.A. Bellizi and R.E. Hite, Environmental color, consumer feelings and purchase likelihood, Psychol Mark 9 (1992) (5), pp. 347–363.Bellizi and Hite, 1992).

The origins of the conceptual framework that categorizes colors along a cool–warm continuum are found in the color preference test developed in the 1940's by Max Luscher, a Swiss psychologist (Gage, 1999). In this test, still in use today by ethnographers, blue is believed to be expressive of tranquility and tenderness, whereas orange/red is believed to be expressive of desire and sexuality (Gage, 1999, p. 103). The cool–warm interpretation of colors seems to have largely permeated Western cultures, so that most people “think of yellows, oranges and reds as at the ‘warm’ end of the spectrum and blues and greens as at the ‘cool’ ”(Gage, 1999, p. 22).

Cool and warm colors relates almost universally with different meanings by consumers, according to recent consumer research. Madden et al. (2000) provide a large scale, eight-country study into the meanings of different colors and found a robust demarcation between cool colors (green, blue, white) and warm colors (yellow, gold, orange, red and purple). Typically, blue, green and white clustered close together were associated with peaceful, gentle, and calming meanings, and yellow, gold, orange, red and purple clustered together were associated with emotional, vibrant, hot, active and sharp meanings.

第1个回答  2011-10-30
There are two ways to create colors in a photograph. One method, called additive, starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other colors. The second method, called subtractive, starts with white light (a mixture of all colors in the spectrum) and by taking away some or all other colors leaves the one desired.
第2个回答  2011-10-30

The color red is one of three primary colors and is thought to be the color to provoke the most response among humans. Red is considered a warm color along with orange and yellow. This intense color is also known to induce emotions from passion to violence.

Red is a symbol of high energy and aggression. It is often used in warning or danger signs. This is because the color red stands out against backgrounds of white or black. Many traffic signs use the color red because it is the most visible color in daylight. Red and its many shades of color are also used as a symbol of love. Hot reds to pale pinks can be found in many romantic greeting cards and are used in the symbol of the heart.追问







Red is a symbol of high energy and aggression.红色是高能和侵略的标志
It is often used in warning or danger signs.她常用于危险和警告标识
This is because the color red stands out against backgrounds of white or black.这是因为红色在白色和黑色背景下非常突出。
Many traffic signs use the color red because it is the most visible color in daylight.
Red and its many shades of color are also used as a symbol of love.
Hot reds to pale pinks can be found in many romantic greeting cards and are used in the symbol of the heart.


黄色-Yellow is a youthful, warm, sunny, cheerful color that can also symbolize danger, attention, and caution. The Denver Center Theater used a shade of yellow in its poster for A Raisin in the Sun, below. Adding black to yellow can be tricky -- it can quickly turn to a mushy, unpleasant brown. This yellow is the perfect shade for the mood of the play because it's neither overly sunny nor cheerful, but on the whole, it's still optimistic.
The most obvious use of yellow for danger or caution is the notorious CAUTION tape, which can also come in a POLICE LINE -- DO NOT CROSS edition. Though it may be an overused design element, it works. It elicits the message it's supposed to. Darwin plastered its annual report cover with caution tape to tell the audience that the company is conservative and careful. Yellow might not be the first choice for that mood, but it's successful in combination with the tape motif. Notice that "caution" yellow is pure, bright, and bold. This is yellow in its truest form.




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