

扮演者:Robert Knepper

出生年: 1959年
出生地: Fremont, Ohio. 在Maumee (Toledo附近)长大.
身高: 5' 10" (1.78 米)

Robert Knepper 从业经历


1986 That's Life! 生之乐章 ...as Steve Larwin
L.A. Law ...as Georgia Buckner

1987 Wild Thing ...as Wild Thing
Police Story: The Freeway Killings ...as Karl James
Made in Heaven 天上人间/天堂制造 ...as Orrin
1988 D.O.A. 死亡旋涡(台)/零时亡点(港) ...as Nicholas Lang
1989 Renegades 赤色雄狼/叛徒 ...as Marino
1990 Young Guns II 年轻枪手2(中)/少壮屠龙阵 2(台)/龙威虎将 2(港) ...as Deputy Carlyle
1991 Session Man 会议人 ...as Torrey Cole
Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion ...as Kim Weatherly
1992 Gas, Food, Lodging ...as Dank
Where the Day Takes You ...as Rock Singer
1993 Doorways ...as Thane
When the Bough Breaks 当树枝折断时(中)/魔鬼刽子手(台) ...as Lt. Jimmy Creedmore
Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare ...as Nick Willard
Zelda ...as Wilson
1994 Pointman ...as Johnny
Getting Out 母爱光辉 ...as Carl
1995 MugShot
Search and Destroy 狙击手 ...as Daniel Strong
1996 Jaded 激情的控诉 ...as Freddy
Dead of Night ...as Christian
The Undercover Kid ...as Bo the Dog
Voices From the Grave ...as Milosh
Under Heat ...as Milo
Everyone Says I Love You 人人都说我爱你 ...as Greg
1998 You Are Here
Phantoms 幻觉(中)/地心骇客(台)/末世魔煞(港) ...as Agent Wilson
The Stringer ...as John
1999 Kidnapped in Paradise ...as Renard
Absence of the Good 魔鬼猎杀 ...as Glenn Dwyer
2000 Love & Sex 爱与性 ...as Gerard Boussard
2001 Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot ...as Robert F. Kennedy
Lady in the Box ...as Chris Stark
2002 Swatters ...as Daniel Steinberg
Topa Topa Bluffs ...as Frank
The Pennsylvania Miners' Story ...as Mark "Moe" Popernack
2004 Species III 异种3 ...as Doctor Abbot
2005 Hostage 火线对峙/人质/硬汉也有迟暮时 ...as Wil Bechler
Good Night, and Good Luck 晚安,好运 ...as Don Surine


1986 L.A. Law
...in episode 01.00, "Pilot," as George/"Georgia" Buckner
...in episode 01.01, "Those Lips, That Eye," as George/"Georgia" Buckner

1987 The Twilight Zone
...in episode 02.15, "Joy Ride," as Alonzo

Tour of Duty
...in episode 01.06, "Burn Baby, Burn," as PV2 Allen

Star Trek: The Next Generation
...in episode 01.11, "Haven," as Wyatt Miller

1990 E.A.R.T.H. Force
...in episode 01.01/02/06 as dr.

China Beach
...in episode 03.17, "The Thanks of a Grateful Nation," as Long

1991 China Beach
...in episode 04.13, "Quest," as Vietnam Vet

Civil Wars
...in episode 01.05, "Have Gun, Will Unravel."

1992 Tequila and Bonetti
...in episode 01.11, "Runt of the Litter."

Red Shoe Diaries
...in episode 01.03, "You Have the Right to Remain Silent," as Nick Willard

1993 Murder, She Wrote
...in episode 09.10, "The Sound of Murder," as Charles George Drexler

L.A. Law
...in episode 07.09, "Odor in the Court."

South Beach
...as Andy Patrick

1994 Murder, She Wrote
...in episode 10.20, "A Murderous Muse," as Owen McLaglen

1995 Law & Order
...in episode 06.02, "Rebels," as Igor

New York News
...in episode 01.02, "Fun City," as ex-con

...in episode 02.07, "Here She Comes, Miss Murder," as Ronnie McCusak

1996 Murder, She Wrote
...in episode 12.17, "Something Foul in Flappieville," as Robbie Dorow

Central Park West
...in episode 02.02, "Guess Who's Come to Annoy You?," as Randy Boyd

1997 The Visitor
...in episode 01.03, "Dreams," as Alex Burton

1998 E.R.
...in episode 04.16, "My Brother's Keeper," as Keith Reynolds

...in episode 01.06, "Executioner," as Fredrick "Willy" Grover

1999 Strange World
...in episode 01.03, "Azrael's Breed," as Gil Sandifer

Star Trek: Voyager
...in episode 06.07, "Dragon's Teeth," as Gaul

2000 Seven Days
...in episode 02.15, "Space Station Down," as Major Gene Hastings

Harsh Realm
...in episode 01.09, "Camera Obscura," as Priest

...in episode 04.20, "Tsuris," as Martin Lewis

La Femme Nikita
...in episode 04.18, "Toys in the Basement," as Henry Collins

2001 The West Wing
...in episode 02.15, "Ellie," as Morgan Ross

...as Special Agent Shue

Law & Order: Criminal Intent
...in episode 01.09, "The Good Doctor," as Doctor Peter Kelmer

2002 Haunted
...in episode 01.01, "Pilot," as Henry

Presido Med
...in episode 01.01, "This Baby's Gonna Fly."
...in episode 01.02, "Second Chance," as Sean
...in episode 01.04, "When Approaching a Let-Go," as Sean
...in episode 01.08, "Pick Your Battles," as Sean

2003 Presido Med
...in episode 01.10, "With Grace," as Sean

2004 CSI: Miami
...in episode 03.11, "Addiction," as Freddy Coleman

2005 Point Pleasant
...in episode 01.05, "Last Dance," as Presenter at the Dance

...as Tommy Dolan

Prison Break
...as Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell

From Empty Pockets a Robert Knepper fansite

英文名:Willem Dafoe

威廉-达福(Willem Dafoe)不是好来坞那种红得发紫的超级巨星,也许正因如此,外表有些凶狠而实际上却为人谦卑的他才在影坛广结了人缘。现年45岁的达福在其20多年的职业生涯里,演绎了数量众多而性格迥异的角色,与奥里弗-斯通(《野战排》、《生于七月四日》)、马丁-斯科塞斯(《基督最后的诱惑》)等大师级导演以及汤姆-克鲁斯(《生于七月四日》)、麦当娜(《身体的证明》)、朱丽叶-比诺什(《英国病人》)、桑德拉-布洛克(《生死时速2》)等巨星均有过合作。在好莱坞,很少有人能够像达福这样自如地游走在剃刀边缘。他穿梭在主流与边缘之间,既胜任大制作中的小角色,更能演小制作里的大角色。虽然达福饰演的某些角色一直不乏争议甚至非议,但其角色的丰富多采却成为好来坞影星们莫不追求的梦想。达福还是一位非常勤奋的演员。在好来坞,明星们一年能拍两部影片就算不错,而达福去年却一连拍了四部,且凭借《吸血鬼的阴影》(Shadow of the Vampire)一片而获得了“洛杉矶影评家协会”的最佳男配角奖,并继1986年的《野战排》之后第二次获得“奥斯卡”最佳男配角的提名。

威廉-达福1955年7月22日生于美国威斯康星一个外科医生的家庭,他是父母8个孩子中的倒数第二。虽然都被称为达福,但只有威廉-达福进了演艺圈,其他兄弟姐妹就像他父母那样成为了专业人士:律师、医生、护士,等等。虽然达福在威斯康星大学学的是戏剧专业,但书本教学却让他感觉极其沉闷,结果大学未毕业他就加入了巡演剧团,到美国各地甚至欧洲作巡回演出。这一方面丰富了他的表演经验,也增长了他从书本上学不到的社会知识。达福的电影处女作是1981年在导演迈克尔-西米罗(Michael Cimino)广受抨击的影片《天堂之门》(Heaven’s Gate)里出演一个小角色。幸运的是,在影片正式公映时,达福的戏被剪掉了,从而避免了造成像对本奥斯卡另一位最佳男配角提名获得者杰夫-布里吉斯(Jeff Bridges)那样深重的负面影响。此后,达福1983年出演了《饥饿》《The Hunger》,1985年出演了《生于死于洛杉矶》(To Live and Die in L.A.),1986年达福的表演生涯达到第一个高峰――《野战排》带给他第一个奥斯卡提名。

威廉-达福饰演了许多人们意想不到的角色,有些甚至广受争议――最知名的是《基督的最后诱惑》(The Last Temptation of Christ),有些则被称为古怪,因此,达福有美国影坛“最在意料之中的意料之外的演员”之称。对此雅号,达福不以为然,他说:“古怪不是我玩的游戏。”很难说达福是在刻意选择那些古怪或者有争议的角色,只不过是好莱坞的游戏规则让一些大牌明星对吃不准的角色干脆选择了退避三舍,如此便成就了达福这样身居二线但却敢为天下先的演员。

今年,达福还将有另外几部新作与观众见面。除了已被国内媒体炒烂乎了的《庭院里的女人》,达福还将出演反映二战时期波兰纳粹集中营生活的影片《上天无敌》(Edges of the Lord)。另外,达福还将在喜剧片《斗牛士》和悬念片《道德戏剧》(Morality Play)里出任重要角色。但最值得我们期待的恐怕是目前正拍摄中的《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)了――达福在该片中出演一号反派,这部集动作、科幻、悬念于一身的大制作尚未开拍便已被炒得沸沸扬扬。如果这部定于明年公映的影片能够取得预期的成功,一直被视为好莱坞二线明星的威廉-达福也许就能跻身于一线大牌之列了。

第1个回答  2007-07-29

威廉·达福Willem Dafoe

罗伯特·克耐普Robert Knepper本回答被提问者采纳



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