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To understand global aquaculture — its potential and its problems — it helps to look at the industry's track record in China, a country responsible for 61% of the world's aquaculture. China has begun exporting industrially produced catfish, shrimp and tilapia in recent years. As production pressures have ramped up, Chinese manufacturers have packed their ponds more tightly, leading to disease and pollution from fish waste. That waste can overload coastal waters with nutrients, causing dead zones that can strangle sea life. To fight the diseases worsened by crowding, Chinese fish farmers have liberally used antibiotics and other drugs, including malachite green, an antifungal agent and potential carcinogen that was banned by Beijing in 2002 but shows up periodically in exports. "It is still a problem," says Wong Ming Hung, a biology professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. While China remains a laggard on safety — though experts say its fish-farming industry is improving as it matures — there's no denying that aquaculture can be messy. A badly run near-shore farm of 200,000 salmon can flush nitrogen and phosphorus into the water at levels equal to the sewage from a town of 20,000 people. But for all that, fish farming's bad reputation isn't entirely deserved, especially if it's compared with farming on land. Farmers have had thousands of years to improve agricultural methods and breed domesticated animals like cows and pigs with maximum efficiency. And industrial agriculture can be polluting: the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is due largely to fertilizer runoff from the Midwest. Modern aquaculture is just a few decades old, and as producers have become more experienced, they've cut down on pollution and bred more-efficient fish. Many environmental groups that once opposed aquaculture now seek to work with the industry. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is leading the way in this effort, helping develop sustainability standards for farmed species. "Our industry is under a lot of scrutiny, and we're doing our best to alleviate those worries," says Nell Halse of Cooke Aquaculture, a major producer in Canada and the U.S.And no matter how much room the industry has for improvement, aquaculture usually puts less stress on the environment and requires less caloric input to yield a pound of protein than meat production. Part of that is simply a result of biomechanics and metabolism. Unlike land animals raised for food, fish are cold-blooded and live in the water, which means less of their feed is wasted — from our point of view — being burned as energy to keep warm or to build bone. Fish farmers had the bad luck to come along after industrial meat production was well established, and the new guy on the block gets more scrutiny. "We have to address the environmental and social issues," says Jose Villalon, director of the WWF's aquaculture program. "But aquaculture is a good tool to deal with food security."

考察占世界渔业61%中国的发展轨迹理解全球渔业的发展中的潜力和问题很有帮助,中国近年开始出口鲶鱼、虾、罗非鱼。中国渔业生产者试图通过提高投养密集度来应对产量压力却因鱼粪问题导致了疾病和污染, 鱼粪能使沿海水质过于营养而扼杀海洋生命形成死区。为了对抗渔业疾病,中国渔业生产者大量使用抗生素和其他化学药品,包括在2002年政府就禁止使用的抗菌致癌药物石绿,残留物周期性地出现在出口渔产品上。香港浸礼大学生物学教授王明珲说,“这仍然是个问题,”尽管专家承认中国渔业生产行业随着成熟会改进,但由于中国食品安全方面的滞后,中国渔业现状仍然很混乱。近海岸边20万头鲑鱼生产渔场排放的氮和磷造成的污染等同于2千城市居民的生活废水排放。与此相比,更严重的是陆上农民造成的污染。陆上农民有几千年改进得到的效率最大化的农业种植和猪牛等家畜养殖经验,工业化的农场种植造成的污染包括,因从美洲中西部排放的富肥物质导致的墨西哥湾海洋生物濒死区 。现代渔业才刚刚发展起来几十年之久……


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第1个回答  2011-09-11
了解全球养殖其潜在的问题- - - - - - - - - - - - - -它有助于看行业的记录在中国,一个国家负责世界上61%的水产养殖。中国已经开始出口工业生产的鲶鱼、虾和罗非鱼近年来。压力已经大幅增加了生产,中国制造商已经收拾好他们的池塘更紧,导致疾病和污染从鱼浪费。沿海水域,而负荷与养分,使死区,可以扼杀大海的生命。与疾病作斗争了拥挤、中国渔民有大量服用抗生素和其它药物的使用,包括孔雀石绿,一个抗真菌剂和潜在的致癌物质,被北京在2002年但出现周期性的出口。“这仍然是一个问题,”黄说明挂起,一位生物学教授在香港浸会大学。而中国仍然是一个滞后的安全——尽管专家认为fish-farming行业提高在成熟后——毫无疑问可以养殖凌乱。一个管理不善的农场触手200000个大马哈能冲氮、磷水在水平相当于一个城镇污水的20000人。但尽管如此,渔业的并不是完全应得的坏名声,尤其是如果它是比起农业在陆地上。农民有几千年的农业方法提高和品种驯养的动物,如牛,猪,以最高的效率。农业和工业污染:可以死区在墨西哥湾的化肥残留物主要是因为从中西部。现代养殖只是几十年老,作为生产者必须获得经验,他们已经减少污染和饲养的more-efficient鱼。许多环保团体,一旦反对现在找工作与水产养殖产业。世界野生动物基金会(WWF)领导在这一努力,帮助他们发展可持续性标准。养殖物种“我们的产业,
第2个回答  2011-09-11
了解全球养殖其潜在的问题- - - - - - - - - - - - - -它有助于看行业的记录在中国,一个国家负责世界上61%的水产养殖。中国已经开始出口工业生产的鲶鱼、虾和罗非鱼近年来。压力已经大幅增加了生产,中国制造商已经收拾好他们的池塘更紧,导致疾病和污染从鱼浪费。沿海水域,而负荷与养分,使死区,即可





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