

Unit 1
Topic !
1、首先是一般将来时的“主语+be going to do sth.”结构。
I'm going to play basketball with my friends after school.
I'm not going to play volleyball this afternoon because I have no time.
Are you going to take a bath this evening?
4)there be句型用于此一般将来时结构时,要把be going to放到there和be的中间:
There is going to be a funny movie this weekend. I'd like to watch it.
2、see sb./ sth. do sth.与see sb./ sth. doing sth.的区别:
1)see sb./ sth. do sth.表示“看到动作的全部过程”。例如:
I saw an old woman cross the street yesterday afternoon.
2)see sb./ sth. doing sth.表示“看到动作的片段,而非全过程”。例如:
I saw an old woman crossing the street when I bought a skirt last Sunday.
3、between...and...(在......与......之间) 例如:
He sits between Jane and Michael.
4、cheer on :“加油”
Will you come and cheer us on?
5、I'd love to.是美式英语;I'd like to.是英式英语。
1)I hope I can go to Beijing in the future.
2)I wish I could fly like a bird in the sky.
I'll go to Peking University to study some day.
prefer A to B :“喜欢A胜过B”
1)Which one do you prefei, reading books or listening to music?
2)I prefer English to math.
9、favorite = like ... best
例句:Music is my favorite subject. = I like music class best.
10、going to be :“成为”
例句:I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up.
1)Which university do you like best, Peking University or Tsinghua University?
2)What movie do you wang to watch?
12、arrive in(后面接大地点,例如城市、省会、首都、国家等)
例句:Yao Ming arrived in Shanghai yesterday.
arrive at(后面接小地点,例如学校、医院等)
例句:We'll arrive at the museum in ten minutes.
play against :“与......比赛”
例句:Class 4 will play a soccer game against Class 11 next Satuaday.
13、leave for :“出发去某地”;leave ... for ... :“离开某地去另外某地”
例句:When will you leave for the U. S.?
She is leving Shanghai to Yunnan next week.
14、spend ... doing ... :“花费时间/金钱做某事”
例句:He spent two hours doing his homework.
15、pretty除了当描述女性的“漂亮”讲外,还能当very、quite 或rather(相当)讲。例句:
The weather today is pretty good.
I'm pretty well now.
16、be good at doing sth. :擅长做某事,类似于do well in sth.
例句:I'm good at running. = I do well in running.
17、take part in与join的区别:
take part in指参加一般的活动,而join指参加具有严密组织性和纪律性的团体、军队、政党等。例句:
I took part in the soccer match last year.
He joined the Party last year.
18、be good for :“对......有益”
例句:Walking is good for our health.
19、keep healthy = keep fit :“保持健康”
例句:What should we do to keep healthy/ fit?
20、all over the world :“世界各地”
例句:Chinese food is famous all over the world.
Topic 2
1、do sb. a favor = give sb. a hand = help sb. :“给某人帮忙”
例句:Will you do me a favor? = Will you give me a hand? = Will you help me?
2、fall ill :“生病”
Helen fell ill last week.
3、mind doing sth./ mind not doing sth. :“介意/不介意做某事”
例句:Would you mind my opening the window? = Would you mind if I open the window?
Would you mind not smoking here?
4、be sorry about/ for sth. :表示“道歉”或表示“同情”、“安慰”。
A :My bike was broken this morning.
B :Oh, I'm sorry for that.
5、shout at sb. :冲某人怒吼(带强烈感情色彩);shout to sb. :大声喊某人(不带感情色彩)
Kangkang made Tom angry, so Tom shoulted at Kangkang.
The teacher shoulted to the students,"Come back! It's time for class!"
6、Shame on sb.!是“不要脸!”的意思,在西方属于“慎用”词汇!尽量不要去使用,除非想跟人吵架。
7、either :“也”(用于否定句的句尾,前面要用逗号隔开)
例句:She doesn't like red color. I don't like it, either.
8、be angry with sb. :“生某人的气”
例句:She is angry with him.
9、do/ try one's best to do sth.:“尽力去做某事”
例句:I'll try/ do my best to learn English well.
10、keep (on) doing sth. :“坚持做某事”
be sure to do sth. :“确信做某事”
例句:Keep on trying! I'm sure you will succeed.
11、a lot of后面即可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词,其强调式为lots of。
例句:He made a lot of money last year.
12、love doing sth(美式英语)与like doing sth.都表示“爱好”;但enjoy doing sth.不但表示“爱好”,还表示能从中得到“享受”,语气更进一步。例句:
I like/ love going swimming in summer.
Wei Hua enjoys swimming a lot.
13、as well :“也”,用于肯定句的句尾。
例句:I like singing as well.
14、...so that ... :“......以便于......”,引导目的状语从句;so ... that... :“如此......,以至于......”,引导结果状语从句。
I study hard so that I can pass the finnal exam.
She studied so hard that she got the full mark.
15、have fun doing sth. = enjoy doing sth. :“开心做某事”
例句:Every morning she has great fun running on the playground.
16、build up :“增强体魄”
例句:Exercise help to build us up.
Topic 3
1、places of interest :“风景名胜”
例句:There are lots of places of interest in China.
4、let's make it ... :咱们约好......
I don't have enough money. Could you lend me some?
He is old enough to look after himself.
6、fill ... with ... :“用......装满......”
例句:The bird filled the bottle with stones.
7、stand for :“代表”
例句:In China, red stands for passion.
8、at least :“至少”
例句:There are at least five apples left on the tree.
第1个回答  2011-09-13
1. look pretty 看上去漂亮的
1. taste salty 尝起来咸的
2. feel tight 感觉有些紧
3. smell sour 闻上去酸的
4. sound noisy 听上去吵闹的
5. so much food 这么多食物
6. get the food ready把食物准备好
7. can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事
8. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信
9. shake hands 握手
10. last message 上个信息
11. be proud of sb. 为某人自豪
12. have a party 开聚会
13. the first time 第一次
14. family member 家庭成员
15. say hello to sb.与某人问好
16. have a try 试一试
17. introduce sb. to sb.把某人介绍给
18. get angry with sb. 对某人生气
19. be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事.
20. be excited about doing sth.做某事感到兴奋
21. do something wrong 做错事
22. ride a bicycle 骑自行车
23. would like to do sth. 想要做某事
24. make cookies 做小甜饼
25. What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了?
26. What’ she like? 她为人怎样?
27. What does she look like? 她长的怎样?

feel (感觉,摸起来)
28.主语+感官动词(连系动词) seem (好象) +adj.
taste (吃起来)
keep (保持)
become / get/ turn (变得)



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