请把下面的话翻译成英语。谢谢 不要用翻译器(我同学急要)

因为我的英语不好,所以在我们的谈话中,我想表达的意思和你看到的总有些不同。比如说,我电脑有问题登不上去,不能和你聊天 ,你却认为是我不想和你说话。你问我在干什么,我不知道用英语怎么表达,你认为我不想和你聊天。我会利用业余时间学习英文 ,请你给我时间和不要误会我。
因为我还在上学,老师每天给我留作业,我必须要完成。没有足够的学分我无法完成学业。所以我希望我们每天 只聊1个半或两个小时。

I hope you can understant that I always can't make myself understood because of my poor English. For example, I want to say I can't chat with you because there's something wrong with my computer, but you think I don't want to talk with you. And once you asked what am I doing, but I didn't know how to say it in English, and then you thought I did't want to chat with you. To improve this awful situation, I will study English hard in my extra time. I hope you can give me some time and don't misunderstand me please.
Since I'm still a student, I have to finish my homework every day, and I won't graduate if I can't get the score. You can know that my time is limited, so can we just talk one hour and a half or tow hours?
你是在和外国朋友聊天吧?我是英语专业大三学生,也喜欢在网上和老外聊天。 有一个朋友是香港的,从小在英国长大,中文和英语都懂,所以那样聊天就轻松很多。祝你英语进步哦。
第1个回答  2011-09-01
Since my English is not good enough, there's always something different between you and me on what we want to express. For example, there's something wrong with my computer and I can't chat with you, you mistook that I didn't want to talk to you. You ask what I;m doing, I don't now how to express it in English, and you mistook that I didn't want to talk to you. I will learn English in my spare time, please wait for me and don't misunderstand me.

第2个回答  2011-09-01
Because my English is poor, so in our conversation, I want to express meaning and you see the total some different.For example, I have a problem not up on computer, can not chat with you, but you think is I don't want to talk to you.You ask me doing, I don't know how to express in English, you think I don't want to chat with you.You ask me doing, I don't know how to express in English, you think I don't want to chat with you.I'll spare time to learn English, would you please give me the time and don't get me wrong.
第3个回答  2011-09-01
Because my English is not good, so in our conversation, I mean and you see something different. For example, my computer has problem not ascend, can not chat with you, but you think that I don't want to talk to you. You asked me what I was doing, I don't know how to say in English, you don't think I want to chat with you. I will spare time to learn English, would you please give me time and don't get me wrong.


第4个回答  2011-09-01
As I do not have a good command of English, I do not communicate my ideas effectively. For example, when I have problems when logging into my account and thus cannot chat with you, you will misunderstand it as that I do not wan to talk to you. When you ask me what am I doing, I do not know how to express myself in English and hence you think that I do not wan to talk to you. I will learn English whenever I'm free, please give me time and thanks for your understanding. However as I am still schooling, I have to finish my school works on time if not I will not be able to graduate, so I hope that we limit our chatting time to one and half hours or two hours.
第5个回答  2011-09-01



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