
这首名叫Vincent的歌可算是美国民谣音乐中的经典。它的演唱者是著名民谣歌手唐·麦克莱恩,他用这首感人的歌献给这位“疯子”凡高,在感动其本人的同时,也感动了全世界热爱生活, 心存希望的人们...在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的凡高纪念馆前,人们总能听到这首歌,她一遍一遍的放着,永远让人感动,让人怀念。

Vincent, celebrated, known as the canon of the American folk music, was sung by the famous folk singer Don Mclane. This touching tune was in memory of the "insane" von gogh. When it was moving the singer himself, it has also sent a warm brook to these people who cherish love for life and bear aspiration in heart worldwide. Again and again, people can hear and be touched by this beautiful in front of the Van Gogh memorial hall in Amsterdam, with the song in ear and a artist in heart.
第1个回答  2011-08-28
This first named Vincent song American folk music is the classic. It's the singer was famous folk singer don McClane, he used the first moving song to the "mad" van gogh, moved in its I and, at the same time, moved the world love life, hope the people... The van gogh museum in Amsterdam, before one can always heard the song, she again and again puts, always let people move, let a person miss.
第2个回答  2011-08-28
Vincent is the classic song of American folk music which sing by the famous singer Don MClean.He display this song for a madman Van Goqh who moved and the people loved their life.We can hear this song in the memorial hall for Van Goqh in Amsterdam and it make us moved and missed!

自己小试了一下 献丑!有不好的地方请指教!
第3个回答  2011-08-28
This named Vincent song may be in the American ballad music classics. Its singer is renowned ballad singer Tang · Maclane, he uses this touching song to give to this “the lunatic” Van Gogh, while moves its myself, also moved the world to deeply love the life, had the hope people…Before Dutch Amsterdam's Van Gogh memorial hall, the people can always hear this first song, she is putting, is forever moving, lets the human fondly remember.



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