人教版高中英语必修4课文Elizabeth Fry翻译



当Quaker Elizabeth与Joseph Fry结婚后,她的生活好像应该要变得舒适安逸。但是Elizabeth并不满足于她简单的生活和她正在成长的家庭,当她看到许多生活在她周围的贫穷的人时,她想要帮助他们。








When Quaker Elizabeth married Joseph fry, it seemed that her life should be comfortable. But Elizabeth was not satisfied with her simple life and the family she was growing up with. When she saw many poor people living around her, she wanted to help them.

One day, she was called to visit a prisoner. At first, the guard didn't want her in because she was afraid that the prisoner would attack her, but Elizabeth was not afraid. 

She noticed that the inmates behaved badly because they were treated like animals, they had no bed, clean clothes, food or warmth, and any child born in prison would stay there and never get an education.

This means that they will be forced to beg or steal when they grow up, and then eventually return to prison. So Elizabeth's first thing was to provide food, clean clothes and straw beds, and then she opened a prison school and taught women to sew, knit, and sell finished products.

So they can make some small money and increase their self-esteem. Her kindness helped her to win the friendship of the prisoners and begin to improve their own situation. Soon after, she was invited to discuss with British leaders how to improve the prison situation.

Of course, she didn't do it alone. Her sisters helped her to raise money around the country. Some people disagree with her and argue with her. They said she should spend more time at home. Others say she cares too much about fame.

However, her husband was very supportive and encouraged her. So she kept working until she died. Her ideas did not disappear with her death, and her work will be remembered, and their family was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1947.




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