
unite join connect link cooperate relate combine
分别怎么用 意思的区别

unite1 [ju:'nait] vt.突出【团结、联合、联姻】
1. 使联合;使结合;使合并:
Several firms were united to form one company.把几家商行合并成一个公司。
2. 使团结;使统一:
The crisis of war united the whole country.战争的危机使全国团结起来。
3. 使结合;使结婚:
to unite two families by marriage两家联姻
They were united by Father Sandhaus.他们在桑德豪斯神甫的主持下结了婚。
4. 使接合;使粘合:
They united the two pipes.他们把两条管子连接在一起。
5. 使兼备,使同时具有(各种性质等):
She unites the best qualities of a good wife and a tender mother.
1. 团结;联合
2. 接合;粘合;混合:
Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.氧与氢结合而成水。
3. 同心协力;一致行动
近义词:join .
变形: vt.united uniting
unite2 ['ju:nait] n.

join [dʒɔin] vt. 可以用【join sb】
1. 接合,连接,使结合:
How do you join these broken pieces together?
You can join the two boards with glue.
2. 参加,加入,成为…的成员:
He joined the Party last year.他去年入了党。
Every young man in the village joined the battle.
3. 与…一起做某事;与…作伴,陪同:
She joined us in the discussion.她与我们一起讨论。
Who will join us in a game of bridge?谁愿意与我们一起打桥牌?
4. 与…接触,会合:
The brook joins the river.小川与河流会合。
5. 联合,合并;使联姻:
They finally succeeded in joining the two forces.他们最终成功地使两支军队会师了。
We were joined in marriage last year.我们是去年结为夫妻的。
6. 毗连,邻接;贴近:
His house joins mine.他家就在我的隔壁。
7. 返回(岗位等):
The sailor would join his ship a few days later.水手将于几天后回到船上。
8. 【数学】(用直线或曲线)连接;并(集) vi.
1. 结合;联合(常与with,to连用):
In this point,I join with you.在这一点上,我与你意见一致。
The police and the people join to combat crime.
2. 参加;加入(常与in,with连用):
Everybody likes to join in this activity.每个人都愿意参加这一活动。
I decided to join in with him to take the risk.我决定与他共担风险。
3. 相遇;会合:
The lane and the main road join here.小巷与大路在此会合。
4. 毗连;邻接:
The two houses join at this point.两座房子在此邻接。
5. [古语]交战 n.
1. 连接;结合
2. 连接处;接合点;接合面
3. 【数学】并集
connect 强调【对接】connect sth with sth
link 突出【内在的、深入的联系】
cooperate 突出【合作;配合】 cooperate with sb

relate 强调【有意识的使事物之间出现某种关联】relate sth to sth ;be related to sth
vt. 叙述;使…有联系
vi. 涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系
combine 突出【使联合】 combine sth with
vt. 使化合;使联合,使结合
vi. 联合,结合;化合
n. 联合收割机;联合企业



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