

1.放过你自己:Set yourself free

2.放过你自己吧:Let yourself

3.我想要放过我自己:I want to let myself


1.我该放过自己么(如果我原谅了自己)?/Am I just letting myself off the hook if I forgive myself?

2.不过英国的员工们似乎自己也不放过自己。 英国度假者们平均一天要查看手机12次,主要是习惯使然,而非必须。/But it seems Brits don't help themselves, with the typical holidaymaker checking their phone up to 12 times a day, mainly out of habit than necessity.

3.虽然有些像赫兹这样的纽约人提前计划,不放过自己喜欢的演出,但其他人不过是在市内穿行时被音乐吸引,凭耳朵寻声来到音乐节的乐队面前。/While some New Yorkers like Hertz plan ahead to catch their favorite acts, others simply hear the music while walking through the city and follow their ears to one of the festival’s bandstands.

4.Lyubomirsky博士建议,"有时候,你正在思考'万一我被解雇了'之后要怎样做,放过自己吧,不要继续对着你自己发愁,去跟亲朋戚友说吧。"/But once you've made a plan for "what if I get laid off," don't continue to fret about it in your head or talk about it to others, advises Dr. Lyubomirsky.

5.原谅别人。同时也放过自己。/Forgive. at the same time, let yourself.

6.明明得不到何必不肯放过自己曾经的愚昧无知。/Could not obtain He Bi not to be willing obviously to let off oneself once benightedness.

7.他们不放过自己生活中的那些不好的经历,为此他们无缘未来的生活中那些美好的经历。/They cannot let go of the bad experiences of their lives, which closes the door for them to have p sitive experiences in the future.

8.原谅别人,就是放过自己。/To forgive others is to forgive yourself.

9.亲爱的自己,不要抓住回忆不放,断了线的风筝,只能让它飞,放过它,更是放过自己;/Dear self, do not grasp the memories and hold down the line kite, only to let it fly, let it go, but also let themselves;

10.假如此次再不让自己康复那么求求你请杀啦自己吧失望啦放过自己…/If you don't let me heal this time, I humbly pray: Please have me killed! I am in total despair, please acquit me of the torment, God …




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