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♂ (type). Pronotum relatively large; its greatest width is two-thirds of its length. Prozona with the anterior margin concave; its disc transversely impressed; hind lateral angles well prominent, less obtuse than in D. onos or in D. grandis, with a distinct small circular pit at the base of the prominence. Metazona (i.e., the whole of the pronotum behind the constriction) scarcely longer than wide; lateral margins straight, tuberculate, with a minute spinule at the antero-lateral angle; hind margin of the disc straight in the middle, broadly rounded and with some obtuse conical tubercles on the sides; disc strongly wrinkled and punctured, with a deep and broad transverse impression in front of the middle, with a pair of deep irregularly shaped pits just behind the typical sulcus; the posterior portion of the metazona (lying behind the transverse impression) is distinctly broader than long, with a large transverse gibbosity and two broad, shallow, sublateral concavities behind the latter. Lateral lobes concave and minutely wrinkled in the metazona, smooth otherwise, much longer than deep; anterior margin slightly concave; lower margin straight in prozona, rounded-prominent opposite the lateral angle of the metazonal disc, broadly rounded in the rest. Abdominal tergites punctured, with the hind margins smooth, but not inflated. Last tergite with a pair of short conical appendages at the sides of the round median emargination. Cerci thick, with a conical tubercle on the inner margin behind the middle and a spinule on the inner side of the conical apical portion.
General coloration brownish buff. Pronotum above blackish brown along the lateral margins, the colour extending more deeply inwards on the impressed portions of the disc; lateral lobes chocolate-brown, broadly pale below. Abdominal tergites with transversely placed black spots.
♀ (paratype). Pronotum relatively smaller than in the ma1e; tubercles and spinules on its margins more distinct and acute. Ovipositor nearly twice as long as the pronotum, moderately recurved.
Total length, ♂ 44, ♀ 40; length of the whole pronotum, ♂ 18, ♀ 16; length of metazona, ♂ 13, ♀ 11; width of metazona, ♂ 12, ♀ 11; hind femur, ♂ 22, ♀ l7; ovipositor, ♀ 30 ㎜.
Described from 2♂♂ and 5♀♀ from Peking.
D. transversa, sp. n., is quite distinct from D. onos and D. grandis by the characters indicated above, as I am able to state after a direct comparison with the topotypical specimens of those two species. As regards D. cincta F. W., it has been very briefly described, so that a comparative study appears impossible. I tink myself justified, however, in expecting a species of Deracantha from Peking to differ from one described from Siberia. Judging by the figure of D. cincta, which is very poor, it appears that the latter species has a very short pronotum, but this may be due to a mistake of the artist.

♂(类型)。前胸背板相对大,它的最大宽度是其长度的三分之二。 Prozona前缘凹,其光盘横向留下深刻的印象;后肢外侧的角度突出,不到D. onos或在D桉钝角突出基地具有鲜明的小圆形坑。 Metazona(即整个前胸背后的收缩)几乎不再比宽,侧缘平直,瘤,与一个在安特罗外侧角分钟spinule;后的光盘直接在中间的保证金,大致为圆形和一些钝锥形结节两侧;光盘强烈皱纹和刺破,用在前面的中间横向印象深刻和广泛,与一双深的不规则形坑,只是后面的典型沟; metazona后部分(躺在背后横向印象)明显比长的更广泛的,具有较大的横向伛和两大浅,后者背后sublateral凹。凹和细微皱纹的metazona侧裂片,光滑,否则,更长的时间比深;前缘略凹;直prozona,对面的metazonal光盘的外侧角圆润突出的利润率较低,大致在休息四舍五入。腹部tergites刺破,与平滑后的利润,但不能夸大。最后背片的短圆锥形附加物对双方在这一轮中位数emargination。 Cerci厚,与背后的中间和锥形根尖部分的内侧spinule内缘的锥形结节。
总长度,♂44,♀40;整个前胸的长度,♂18,♀16 metazona长度,♂13,♀11 metazona宽度,♂12,♀11;后肢股骨,♂22,♀L7;产卵,♀30㎜。
D. transversa,SP。 N.,是相当不同的字符D. onos D.桉如上所述,我后topotypical这两个物种的标本的直接比较能说明。至于D. cincta固件,它已经很简单的描述,这样的比较研究似乎不可能。我天衣自己有道理,但是,从西伯利亚期待从北京Deracantha一个物种从一个不同描述。 D. cincta,这是很差的数字来看,似乎后者的物种有一个很短的前胸,但是这可能是由于错误的艺术家。
第1个回答  2011-08-25
雄性(类型)。前胸背板相对大,最宽处宽度是其长度的三分之二。沟前区前边缘成凹型,其圆盘部有贯穿性凹痕;胸前背板后侧外角度突出,比D. onos 或D. grandis(由前后文猜测是两种类似的虫,暂时没查到是什么的缩写)更钝,在突出的基部有明显的的圆形小坑。沟后区(即收缩部分后的背板)长度比宽度略长;侧缘较直,长有瘤状突起,在沟前区、沟后区交界处有小刺;圆盘部分的后边缘区在中间变得较为平直,大部分由为圆角,并在两侧边缘有一些钝锥形结节突起;圆盘部表面起伏大,多刺,用在前部有一深且宽的沟,沟前有一对不规则形状的深坑;

很难,先翻一小段,占个位子 :)追问



雄性(类型)。前胸背板相对大,最宽处宽度是其长度的三分之二。沟前区前边缘成凹型,其圆盘部有贯穿性凹痕;胸前背板后侧外角度突出,比D. onos 或D. grandis(由前后文猜测是两种类似的虫,暂时没查到是什么的缩写)更钝,在突出的基部有明显的的圆形小坑。沟后区(即收缩部分后的背板)长度比宽度略长;侧缘较直,长有瘤状突起,在沟前区、沟后区交界处有小刺;圆盘部分的后边缘区在中间变得较为平直,大部分由为圆角,并在两侧边缘有一些钝锥形结节突起;圆盘部表面起伏大,多刺,并在前部有一深且宽的沟,沟前有一对不规则形状的深坑;沟后区后部(在沟的后部),宽度比长度长,有一横断隆起,隆起后有两个宽且浅的分隔凹陷。侧圆形瓣有凹陷,并在沟后部有微小起伏,略显光滑,长度比深度更长。前边缘略凹,后边缘趋于平直。弧形突起弯曲方向与圆盘后部角度相反,且在剩余部分变得更弯。腹部背片有刺,其被覆盖的边缘相对较平滑,但并未膨大。
最后的背片在中央凹缘附近有一副圆锥形的附属物,Cerci thick(这个词我猜是一种直翅目昆虫的变种什么的,Cerci或许是拉丁语词,在Orthopteren Europas/The Orthoptera of Europe一书中出现了很多次,但是水平有限时间也有限,不知道该翻成什么)在内边缘中后部有一圆锥形瘤,且在圆锥顶部内侧有微刺。

总长度,雄性44 雌性40
前背板长度:雄性18 雌性16
沟后区长度:雄性13 雌性11
沟后区宽度:雄性12 雌性11
后腿长度 雄性22 雌性17
在我直接对比了两物种地模标本样本后,可以说D. transversa, sp. n.和D. onos 或 D. grandis在以上提及的特征上都不同。至于D. cincta F. W.,针对它的描述太过简略,所以对比研究无法进行。然而我自己期待北京的Deracantha物种与西伯利亚的描述是不同的。从D. cincta并不丰富的描绘图形判断,后者的前背板很短,但这也可能是由于绘图者的绘画失误造成的。

第2个回答  2011-08-28
♂(类型)。前胸背板相对大,它的最大宽度是其长度的三分之二。 Prozona前缘凹,其光盘横向留下深刻的印象;后肢外侧的角度突出,不到D. onos或在D桉钝角突出基地具有鲜明的小圆形坑。 Metazona(即
强烈的皱纹和刺破,既深且广在前面的中间横向印象与公正的背后一双典型的沟,深的不规则形坑,后部的metazona光盘(躺在背后的横向印象)是明显的更广泛的比长,与一个大的横向伛和两个宽,浅,sublateral CONC
avities落后后者。凹和细微皱纹的metazona侧裂片,光滑,否则,更长的时间比深;前缘略凹;直prozona,对面的metazonal光盘的外侧角圆润突出的利润率较低,大致在休息四舍五入。腹部tergites刺破,与平滑后的利润,但不能夸大。最后背片的短圆锥形附加物对双方在这一轮中位数emargination。 Cerci厚,与背后的中间和锥形根尖部分的内侧spinule内缘的锥形结节。
总长度,♂44,♀40;整个前胸的长度,♂18,♀16 metazona长度,♂13,♀11 metazona宽度,♂12,♀11;后肢股骨,♂22,♀L7;产卵,♀30㎜。
D. transversa,SP。 N.,是相当不同的字符D. onos D.桉如上所述,我后topotypical这两个物种的标本的直接比较能说明。至于D. cincta固件,它已经很简单的描述,这样的比较研究似乎不可能。我天衣自己有理,howeve
R,来自西伯利亚的描述期待从北京Deracantha一个物种从一个不同。 D. cincta,这是很差的数字来看,似乎后者的物种有一个很短的前胸,但是这可能是由于错误的艺术家。



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