
谢谢,感激不尽,字数不用太多 另有一些问题,希望一并解决(初一水平) 英语用英语介绍上海 地理 上海的地理位置(经度、纬度) 东方明珠塔的地理位置(经度、纬度) 黄浦江的地理位置(经度、纬度) 黄浦江与长江的位置关系 2007年1月___(9—12)日,上海的天气、气温、风向风级 运用地理知识解决实际问题(关于上海东方绿舟、上海科技馆) 上海人生活特点背后有何地理道理 谁知道的,麻烦告诉一声,谢谢?

Shanghai has a long history, more than two thousand years of history. Shanghai Spring of Wu, the Warring States Period, Chu Chunshenjun feudalism to begin construction of the city. "Shanghai is" is the first city in Shanghai. Later, Shanghai is the city was several changes, many names have been changed. Finally in the vicinity of the Three Kingdoms period in Sheshan fixed down, and renamed "Huating" Tang Dynasty set up county, while the northern part of Shanghai Hua Ting County, the town has gradually developed. Yuan Yuan twenty-eight years in July, the court approved the construction of an independent county town of Shanghai. This day as the anniversary of the city of Shanghai, dating back over 700 years of history. So as the twin cities of Shanghai and Huating. Hua Ting Ming Dynasty, set up in Shanghai Songjiang government. Qing Dynasty set up Susong too Road, located in Shanghai County, the jurisdiction of Suzhou, Songjiang, and Taicang three state government.



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