
Hachiko: A Dog's Tale" is directed by Lasse Hallstrom (The Cider House Rules), and is based loosely on the real life story of a dog, named Hachiko, who was born in Odate, Japan in 1923. His master, Dr. Eisaburg Ueno, was a professor at the University of Tokyo who died in 1925. Hachiko returned to the Shibuya train station the next day, and every day for the next nine years until he died in 1934. Today, outside the Shibuya train station, where Hachiko waited, is a bronze statue of Hachiko.

In this particular movie we have a similar story, only the dog is in transport to the United States, where he escapes, and ends up in Parker Wilson's (Richard Gere) possession. Parker eventually decides to keep the dog since the owner cannot be found. Hachiko, or Hachi, as he is usually called here, at one point breaks free of his yard, and follows Parker to the train station. Eventually Hachi is allowed to accompany Paker to the train station everyday. But at one point Parker never returns to the train station, since he has died at the university.

The movie then becomes a tale of a loyalty that reaches far into the bonds of memory. Hachiko never realizes that his master has died, and even though he never sees his master again, he never forgets him. What is Hachi's purpose now that his master has died? His purpose seems to be to wait for his master who will never return. It is at once moving and heartrending, as it is a tragedy of sorts, and one that is only resolved once Hachiko also dies. This is a beautifully told tale that makes one think about the things that are important for us to go on living, even after those that we have loved have died.

第1个回答  2012-03-21


第2个回答  2012-03-21
亚奇科:狗的故事"是拉塞黑尔斯特伦酒屋的规则指导下,和松散是基于真实的生活故事的狗,叫亚奇科,他出生在大馆,1923年的日本。 他的主人,博士 颖佐堡上野,是东京大学教授,他于1925年去世。他的主人,博士 颖佐堡上野,是东京大学教授,他于1925年去世。 亚奇科第二天返回到涉谷火车站,每天接下来的九个年,直到1934年去世。 今天,在涉谷火车站以外,亚奇科等待的地方,是亚奇科的青铜雕像。

在这个特别的电影,我们有一个类似的故事,只狗在传输到美国,在那里他逃脱,而且最终在沃森·帕克(理查·基尔)的身上。 帕克最终决定让狗,因为无法找到该所有者。亚奇科,或哈赤,他通常是打电话来,一度休息,他的院子自由,并遵循帕克去火车站。 最终允许哈赤陪帕克每天都到火车站。 但是有一点帕克不会返回到火车站,因为大学的他死了。

电影就变成了一个忠诚的故事,远远债券的内存。 亚奇科从来没有意识到他的主人已经死了,尽管他从来不认为自己的主人了,他从来没有忘记他。 哈赤的目的是什么现在他的主人死了? 他的目的似乎是要等他的主人,他永远不会回来。 这是一次移动和伤心的,因为它算得上是个悲剧,一个是只解决一次亚奇科也死了。 这是一个美丽的故事,让人觉得重要的是,我们生活下去的东西,即使在那些我们爱死了以后。



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