
1. 我们认为他不可能独自解决他目前面临的经济问题。 (regard/face)
2. 作为家里的独生子女, 我们通常被认为是只会给大人带来麻烦的小孩。(regard)
3. 出于好奇, 他打开了这个盒子, 里面有许多未拆封过的信件。 (定从,倒装)
4. 村民们很想知道什么使他改变了主意。 (curious, lead)
5. 他们阻止这个计划实行的企图最后失败了。(attempt n)

1.we do not think he can regard the economic problems alone which is he faced now.
2.As the only child in the home,we are generally regarded as the children who will olny bring troubles to the adults.
3.Be curious about the box,he opened it, and many unpacking letters were found.
4.The villagers were curious about what lead him to change his mind.
5.They attempt to stop the program ,but finally failed.
第1个回答  2012-03-06
1. We do not think that he can regard the economic issues by himself .
2. As the only child of a family, we are always regarded as the kids who only bring our parents some trouble.
3. Out of curiosity, he opens the box in which there are some enclosing letters.
4. Villagers were curious about what led to changing his mind.
5. Their attempt to stop this plan was finally failed .
第2个回答  2012-03-06
1. We regarded that he can not solve the economic questions which he faced only by himself.
2. To be the only child at home, we are often regarded as the child who can only bring lots of troubles to parents.
3. Just out of curiosity, he opened this box which has many letters not unpacking.
4. Villagers were curious what has lead him to change the ideas.
5. The attempts with they prevented the projects was failed.




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