

1. I'll say! 我有同感!
2.No comment!无可奉告!
3.You've got a big mouth!你真是一个大嘴巴!
4.Things will work out! 船到桥头自然直!
5.Forgive others,but not youself! 宽以待人,严以律己!
6.Love is best!爱情至上!
7.Money talks!有钱能使鬼推磨!
8.What if I do? what If I don't?我做了会怎么样?我不做又会怎么样啊?
9.So long!再见!
10.I have no idea!我不知道!等于“I don't know!" or"search me(我怎么知道呢)”
12.Everything will be fine!一切都会好起来的!
13.Nothing is impossible!没有什么是不可能的,一切皆有可能!
14.It may be too early to tell!这可能说的太早了吧,话不要说的太早!
15.All men are mortal,because we are all mortal!每个人都终究一死,因为我们都是凡人!
16.On sunday they pray for you:on monday they prey on you.(资本家)礼拜天他们为你祈祷,礼拜一他们就掠夺你。
17.Matter is primary and consciousness is secondary.物质第一性,意识第二性。
18.When reading books,start from the easy to the difficult,and then from the redundant to the concise.读书要从薄到厚,再从厚到薄。
19.Every dog has his day!每个人都会有时来运转的一天的。
20. please queue up! please Q-up!请排队!
21.How will I break the ice?我怎样才能打破僵局呢?
22.he is not only fish in the sea!天涯何处无芳草!
23.there is no such thing as a free lunch!天下没有免费的午餐。
24.East,west,home is the best!金窝窝,银窝窝,不如自己的狗窝窝;家是最好的。
25.Don't let the cat out of the bag.不要泄秘哦。
26.from China to Peru (从中国到秘鲁)全世界。
27.You can't go anywhere without english.不懂英语寸步难行。
28.The view is so beautiful,but not as beautiful as you!风景是如此的多姿,你却美的无与伦比。
29.We can't all be heroes.Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.我们不可能都成为英雄,总得有人在英雄走过的时候坐在路边鼓掌。
30.A man apt to promise is apt to forget!喜欢随便许诺的人就喜欢健忘。(轻诺者健忘)
31.Marry in haste,and repent at leisure.结婚过于急噪,闲来便要烦恼。
32.To lay a foundation,attend intensively a few classes in a school;to engage in schoolarship,read extensively many volumes of books in a library.打基础,堂上精读几门课;做学问,馆中博览万卷书。
33.Nowadays,English is a compulsory subject in china,and Chinese is an optional subject,I think this is a problem
第1个回答  2013-12-23
1.apply…to → be applied to 把……应用于/运用于 apply oneself to 致力于2.in/under no circumstances 决不(置于句首,部分倒装)3.pack A into B = pack B with A 把A装入B4.be hard on somebody/something 对……不公平,使……为难5. drag one’s feet/ legs 疲惫(或费力,不情愿地)移动6. bear /carry/ease/reduce/share the burden 承受/担负/减轻/减少/分担重担7.hang out vi (动物的舌头)无力地垂着;常去某处,泡在某处,闲荡8.in desperate need of 极需 be desperate for something 渴望某物 be desperate to do something渴望去做……9. in anxiety of 渴望10. be/get/become accustomed to (doing) something 习惯于……set11. off for this journey 开始这次旅行 out on this journey 12. get onto one’s knees fall/go on one’s knees 跪下 go down on one’s knees be on one’s knees be on one’s feet 站立行走13. line something with something → be lined with 沿……排列成长14. come to an end 结束 come to a decision 决定 come to a better understanding of 逐渐更好地理解……15.celebrate one’s eightieth anniversary 庆祝80周年纪念日16. seek opportunities to improve life/living conditions 寻求机会改善生活条件17.deliver letters 送信 deliver a speech/lecture 发表演讲18. cover a distance of 走完……的距离19. tie up 扎紧,绑紧,捆牢20. at stake 在危险中 21. a memorial/monument to (somebody/something)…… 的纪念碑,纪念物22. (much) to one’s relief 令某人(非常)庆幸/安心的是……23.go for (vt) 去拿/做;努力获取,想得到24.lose heart 灰心,泄气lose one’s heart tolose one’s heart to somebody =fall in love with somebody 喜欢 something=devote oneself to something 把身心投入到……25.leave behind 留下,忘带26. with desperate looks on their faces 脸上流露出绝望的神情27.risk one’s life to do 冒着生命危险去做……



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