
BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) -- China's preservation of its cultural relics has come under fire by the public in the wake of a recent theft at a museum in Beijing's Forbidden City.
On May 9, several 1 of art from a Hong Kong 2 , which were 3 at 10 million yuan (1.54 million U.S. dollars), 4 missing from an exhibition in the Forbidden City's historic Palace Museum. 5 recovered several of the items, 6 not before Chinese citizens 7 shock over 8 in the Forbidden City.
Several days later, news about the existence of an club for 9 people in the Forbidden City's Jianfu Palace caused fierce 10 by Chinese Internet users. Memberships for the 11 were said to cost 1 million yuan.
In China, it is not 12 to see ancient relics 13 for commercial gain, 14 many have sought to capitalize(积累资本) on the historic and 15 value of China's heritage.
16 , land development seems to be an even 17 problem for the preservation of China's cultural relics.
In the city of Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang Province, the 18 of an area of land where the 19 of a Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) imperial city once stood has gone on without 20 for over a year.
1. A jobs B works C science D literature
2. A collector B inventor C producer D maker
3. A cost B paid C valued D spent
4. A came B went C left D brouht
5. A Police B people C staff D collector
6. A and B or C but D so
7. A impressed B expressed C explained D implied
8. A security B danger C museum D protection
9. A poor B wealthy C famous D curious
10. A approvals B supports C agreements D objections
11. A club B company C school D museum
12. A usual B common C rare D general
13. A exploited B explored C occupied D taken
14. A like B for C with D as
15. A political B economical C cultural D natural
16. A However B Moreover C Besides D Therefore
17. A bigger B smaller C stronger D heavier
18. A movement B excitement C surprise D development
19. A remains B relics C building D temple
20. A announcement B declaration C approval D notice

北京- 5月19日(新华社) - 最近在北京故宫博物馆的失窃事件,令公众对中国保存文物的能力备受诽议,。


BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) - China's preservation of its cultural relics has come under fire by the public in the wake of a recent theft at a museum in Beijing's Forbidden City.
On May 9, several works of art on loan from a Hong Kong collector, which were valued at 10 million yuan ($1.54 million U.S. dollars), went missing from an exhibition in the Forbidden City's historic Palace Museum. Police recovered several of the items, but not before Chinese citizens expressed shock over security in the Forbidden City.
Several days later, news about the existence of an exclusive club for wealthy people in the Forbidden City's Jianfu Palace caused fierce objections by Chinese Internet users.
Memberships for the club were said to cost 1 million yuan.
In China, it is not rare to see ancient relics exploited for commercial gain, as many have sought to capitalize on the historic and cultural value of China's heritage.
However, land development seems to be an even bigger problem for the preservation of China's cultural relics.
In the city of Hangzhou in East China's Zhejiang province, the development where the remains of a Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) imperial city once stood has gone on without approval for over a year.
第1个回答  2014-12-17
北京,五月十九日(新华社)——中国文物保存已遭到公众在最近的盗窃之后在博物馆在北京的紫禁城。五月九日,几个1艺术从香港2,这是3在10000000元(1540000美元),4人失踪从紫禁城的历史博物馆展览。5的回收的几个项目,6不前的中国公民7休克8在紫禁城。[来源:学。科。网z.x.x.k ]几天后,在故宫建福宫9人引起了激烈的10的中国互联网用户对俱乐部存在的消息。11的成员说,成本1000000元。在中国,它是不是12看古代文物13用于商业目的,14多个试图利用(积累资本)的历史和中国的遗产价值15。16,土地开发似乎对中国文物的保存是一个甚至17个问题。在杭州市,在中国东部的浙江省,18的土地,19是南宋(1127-1279)地区的帝国城市曾经站在已经没有20超过一年。1。一个工作B C D literature2科学作品。集B C D生产maker3发明家。一个成本B C D spent4支付价值。一个是B C D brouht5离开了。警察B C D collector6人员的人。A和B或C,D SO7。一个印象深刻的B C D implied8表示解释。一个安全的B C D保护博物馆的危险。一个可怜的B C D curious10有钱有名的。一种B C D objections11批准支持的协议。一个俱乐部B公司C D museum12学校。通常的B C D general13常见罕见。一种利用B C D taken14占领了。A像B C D 15。政治经济文化natural16 B C D。然而B C D therefore17除此外。一个更大的B C D heavier18越小。一种B C D development19惊喜兴奋的运动。一个是B C D temple20文物建筑。一种B C D公告申报批准通知



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