

1. be mad at 对……恼火

  Why were you mad at your son yesterday? 昨天你为什么对你的儿子发火?

  2. first of all 首先

  First of all, go to ask the policemen for help when you are in trouble. 当你遇到困难时,首先应去向警察求助。

  3. pass sth. on to sb. 把……传递给某人

  Would you please pass this notebook on to me? 请把这本笔记本递给我好吗?

  4. work on sth. 忙于; 干着

  My brother is working on his letter in his room. 我的弟弟正在他的房间里写信。

  5. do well in 在…… 做得好

  Did you do well in the one-of-year exams? 你的学年考试考得好吗?

  6. get over 克服; 恢复; 原谅

  I know the homework is difficult, but you must try to get over it. 我知道作业很难,但你必须尽力克服困难。

  7. be in good health 身体健康

  I am very happy that my mother is now in good health. 我的母亲现在身体很好,我很高兴。

  8. above sea level 海拔

  My school lies in Xinjiang and it is about 1,000 meters above sea level. 我的学校位于新疆,大约海拔1000米。

  9. feel sick 感到恶心; 感到难受

  Does he often feel sick when he takes a bus? 他乘车时经常恶心吗?

  10. agree with 与……一致; 相符; 适宜

  His story agrees with the facts. 他的陈述和事实相符。

  11. work as... 当……(人)

  My father works as a math teacher in the school. 我父亲在学校里当数学老师。

  12. care for 关爱; 关心

  As a teacher, you should always care for your students. 作为一名教师,你应当一直关爱你的学生。

  13. in danger 在危险中

  Now many wild animals are in danger. 现在许多野生动物处在危险之中。
第1个回答  2012-03-19



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