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进入经济全球化过程的实质意义不仅是最大限度地实行经济开放和国际贸易的自由化,而且,更重要的是要建立一种更有效、更公平的国际竞争秩序,即国际产业组织 的体制和政策框架。产业组织的体制和政策框架的根本问题是,形成有利于企业间有效竞争而有可能获得最有市场绩效的市场结构。因此,在经济全球化的条件下, 我国政府在民航运输业发展中需要解决的最重要的问题是:形成有利于有效的、公平的竞争与合作的制度环境,而非其它。

谢谢2楼和3楼的达人 我需要时间看一下 还有一个问题想请教一下为什么你们的翻译都一样?用的是统一款软件?
真的很感谢大家 我用的是雅信2.5专业版但是用不来 还有这个文章的上半部分 还请大家多帮忙http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/39397813.html

楼主,您真够黑的,想翻死我呀.But,here you are.
The process of economic globalization enter the real significance is not only maximize the implementation of economic liberalization and international trade liberalization, but also, more importantly, to establish a more effective and equitable international competition order that the international institutional and industrial organization policy framework. Industrial Organization institutional and policy framework and the fundamental question is, a situation favorable to effective competition among enterprises and probably gain the most market performance of the market structure. Therefore, under the conditions of economic globalization, China's civil aviation transportation industry in the development of government need to be addressed in the most important question is: formation and facilitate the efficient, fair competition and cooperation in the system environment, rather than the other.
The industry in the interests of vested interest groups and the government's promotion of the interests of profits and taxes the same direction, the control system is often need for changes in external pressure. This pressure comes from the other main alternative mode of transport for the improvement of operational efficiency and high efficiency after China's WTO entry of foreign carriers aviation industry cutthroat competition.

Second, the development of civil aviation transport industry cost constraints
Decide whether by air travelers one of the main factors is the level of fares. Fares on absolute terms, China has been higher than the United States fares fares 16 percent, where the United States fares or accommodation for all the average price, but the Chinese economy class fare is the price, if a Chinese fare first class will be included in the price higher.
In 1999, an average of the United States flew more than 5 times, and China averaged 20.5 people only one who flew once. If China's annual average 2 people in one by one aircraft, the passenger volume of the year will be more than 600 million people, this figure will be the 1999's more than 10 times. Zheng Xing not in the "WTO and the opening up of the air transport industry" in China that caused excessive fare airlines generally do not carry a high rate, from the 1980s, an average of 59 per cent to the current 57 percent below. Perhaps Zheng change the view that more accurately these: In my current level of income, affecting transport fares too high a rate of the important factors.
On "Why civil aviation ticket prices too high", the author had with the Southern Airlines staff exchanges that they answer yes, civil air transport is the major cost of fuel and staff salaries, and fuel prices have been high, with staff wages Rigid, so this set ticket prices is the high cost, had to do this.
According to statistics materials, Air Materiel import tariff rates for 19-00%, and the value-added tax rate to 17 percent, the average Composite Air Materiel import duty of 30 per cent, which greatly increased the air transport enterprises, the production cost. Moreover, the international market average price of aviation kerosene for 1.6 yuan / kg, tariff of 9%, value-added tax rate to 17 percent, duty-paid price of 2.04 yuan / kg than international prices rose by 27.5 percent, while the domestic market price of 2.43 yuan / kg than international prices rose 52%. In 1997, civil aviation enterprises directly under the fuel consumption 3.275 million tons, due to poor prices at home and abroad this, these enterprises paid 2.72 billion yuan of the cost of aviation kerosene, almost equivalent to the loss for the entire industry. Plus, in the external costs have not changed circumstances, the civil aviation industry last year, a whole industry huge losses, and the fundamental reason is the high operating costs caused by internal. International experience shows that civil aviation passenger ticket sales revenue equivalent to the cost of 17%, saving cost of sales is the main way to reduce fares one. %); break the monopoly of the National Executive exclusive booking system, allowing multinational companies to compete, but also the civil aviation enterprises can reduce the cost of sales.
第1个回答  2007-11-11
Enters the economical globalization process the substantive significance not only is maximum limit implements the economy open and the international trade liberalization, moreover, more importantly must establish one kind to be more effective, the fairer international competition order, namely international industrial organization's system and policy frame. Industrial organization's system and the policy frame basic question is, forms is advantageous to the enterprise the effective competition has the possibility to obtain most has the market achievements the market mechanism. Therefore, in under the economical globalization condition, our country government needs to solve in the commercial aviation shipping industry development the most important question is: Forms is advantageous to being effective, the fair competition and the cooperation system environment, but non- other.
Which promotes with government's profits and taxes the benefit direction is consistent exterior the vested interest group's profession benefit, the control system arrangement transforms often is needs the pressure. This kind of pressure mainly comes from after other to be possible to substitute the transport mode operation efficiency the enhancement and enters the world the overseas high efficiency operation commercial aviation shipping industry brutal competition.

Second, commercial aviation shipping industry development cost restriction factor
Decided whether the passenger does ride one of airplane primary factors is the ticket price height. Speaking of the absolute ticket price, China's ticket price on has outdone the American ticket price 16%, here American ticket price or all seats on a ship average price, but China's ticket price is the economy class cabin price, if China's ticket price includes the first-class cabin the price to be able to be higher.
In 1999, American average each person rides above airplane 5, but in the Chinese average every 20.5 people only then has 1 person to ride airplane 1. If China in average 2 individual has 1 person to ride 1 time of airplane every year, a year passenger transport rate will surpass 600 million people, this numeral will be above 1999 10 times. Zheng Xingwu in "WTO And Aviation Shipping industry Opening" center thought the ticket price excessively high creates Chinese National Aviation Corporation carrying rate not to be generally high, is average from the 1980s 59% drops to below present 57%. Perhaps, Zheng's viewpoint trades view more accurate: In under our country present income level, the ticket price excessively high becomes the influence carrying rate important attribute.
"Meets excessively high about why the commercial aviation airplane ticket price", the author once has exchanged with the China southern airlines's staff, their reply was, the civil air trsportation capital expenditure is the fuel oils and the staff wages, the fuel oils price continuously stays at a high level, the staff wages has the rigidity, therefore the airplane ticket price decides really is like this the cost is high, will not have later on for it.
According to the statistical material, the navigation material import customs duty rate is between 2-30%, the increment duty tax rate is 17%, the navigation material import average synthesis tax rate is 30%, this greatly increased the air movement enterprise's production cost. Moreover, the international market jet fuel average price is 1.6 Yuan /kg, the customs duty is 9%, the increment duty tax rate is 17%, the duty paying value is 2.04 Yuan /kg, rose 27.5% compared to the international price; But the domestic market price is 2.43 Yuan /kg, rose 52% compared to the international price. In 1997 only the commercial aviation subordinate enterprise consumed fuel 3.275 million tons, because domestic and foreign prices difference this item, these enterprises paid 2.72 billion Yuan jet fuel cost much, nearly was equal to the entire profession loss volume. In addition, has not changed in the situation in exterior cost, last year the commercial aviation industry appeared the entire profession large amount loss, its basic reason was internal operation cost which stayed at a high level is the result of. The international experience indicated that, the commercial aviation airplane ticket sale cost is equal 17% which receives to the passenger, saves the sales cost reduces one of ticket price main ways. But promotes on Internet to sell the airplane ticket, compares with the traditional travel agency order form may save 75% sales cost; The cancellation paper airplane ticket, the implementation electron airplane ticket similarly may reduce the sales cost (to occupy in American electron airplane ticket shows a ticket total 50%); Breaks the one's own administrative monopoly the national order form system, the permission multinational corporation participates in the competition, also may reduce various commercial aviations enterprise the sales cost.
第2个回答  2007-11-11
Enters the economical globalization process the substantive significance not only is maximum limit implements the economy open and the international trade liberalization, moreover, more importantly must establish one kind to be more effective, the fairer international competition order, namely international industrial organization's system and policy frame. Industrial organization's system and the policy frame basic question is, forms is advantageous to the enterprise the effective competition has the possibility to obtain most has the market achievements the market mechanism. Therefore, in under the economical globalization condition, our country government needs to solve in the commercial aviation shipping industry development the most important question is: Forms is advantageous to being effective, the fair competition and the cooperation system environment, but non- other.
Which promotes with government's profits and taxes the benefit direction is consistent exterior the vested interest group's profession benefit, the control system arrangement transforms often is needs the pressure. This kind of pressure mainly comes from after other to be possible to substitute the transport mode operation efficiency the enhancement and enters the world the overseas high efficiency operation commercial aviation shipping industry brutal competition.

Second, commercial aviation shipping industry development cost restriction factor
Decided whether the passenger does ride one of airplane primary factors is the ticket price height. Speaking of the absolute ticket price, China's ticket price on has outdone the American ticket price 16%, here American ticket price or all seats on a ship average price, but China's ticket price is the economy class cabin price, if China's ticket price includes the first-class cabin the price to be able to be higher.
In 1999, American average each person rides above airplane 5, but in the Chinese average every 20.5 people only then has 1 person to ride airplane 1. If China in average 2 individual has 1 person to ride 1 time of airplane every year, a year passenger transport rate will surpass 600 million people, this numeral will be above 1999 10 times. Zheng Xingwu in "WTO And Aviation Shipping industry Opening" center thought the ticket price excessively high creates Chinese National Aviation Corporation carrying rate not to be generally high, is average from the 1980s 59% drops to below present 57%. Perhaps, Zheng's viewpoint trades view more accurate: In under our country present income level, the ticket price excessively high becomes the influence carrying rate important attribute.
"Meets excessively high about why the commercial aviation airplane ticket price", the author once has exchanged with the China southern airlines's staff, their reply was, the civil air trsportation capital expenditure is the fuel oils and the staff wages, the fuel oils price continuously stays at a high level, the staff wages has the rigidity, therefore the airplane ticket price decides really is like this the cost is high, will not have later on for it.
According to the statistical material, the navigation material import customs duty rate is between 2-30%, the increment duty tax rate is 17%, the navigation material import average synthesis tax rate is 30%, this greatly increased the air movement enterprise's production cost. Moreover, the international market jet fuel average price is 1.6 Yuan /kg, the customs duty is 9%, the increment duty tax rate is 17%, the duty paying value is 2.04 Yuan /kg, rose 27.5% compared to the international price; But the domestic market price is 2.43 Yuan /kg, rose 52% compared to the international price. In 1997 only the commercial aviation subordinate enterprise consumed fuel 3.275 million tons, because domestic and foreign prices difference this item, these enterprises paid 2.72 billion Yuan jet fuel cost much, nearly was equal to the entire profession loss volume. In addition, has not changed in the situation in exterior cost, last year the commercial aviation industry appeared the entire profession large amount loss, its basic reason was internal operation cost which stayed at a high level is the result of. The international experience indicated that, the commercial aviation airplane ticket sale cost is equal 17% which receives to the passenger, saves the sales cost reduces one of ticket price main ways. But promotes on Internet to sell the airplane ticket, compares with the traditional travel agency order form may save 75% sales cost; The cancellation paper airplane ticket, the implementation electron airplane ticket similarly may reduce the sales cost (to occupy in American electron airplane ticket shows a ticket total 50%); Breaks the one's own administrative monopoly the national order form system, the permission multinational corporation participates in the competition, also may reduce various commercial aviations enterprise the sales cost.
第3个回答  2007-11-11



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