
三年的初中生活即将过去,同学们即将告别熟悉的老师和同学进入高中,进入一个新的环境中学习和生活。在新学校里,怎样和别人相处?怎样结交新朋友呢?请根据以下内容写一篇短文介绍交友之道。要点:①友善待人,不与人争吵或打架,尽可能交更多的朋友。②学习上与同学们互相帮助,共同进步,力争取得优异成绩。③课余时间多与同学们交流、沟通,使自己变得开朗。④积极参加各种活动,多参加社团活动,发展自己的特长。要求:1.文章必须包括所有要点,建议内容可适当扩充。2.词数不得少于80词。3.字迹工整,卷面整洁。提示词:进步 make progress 交流 communicate 积极参加 take an active part in

We will finish the junior high school soon, and we may enter a new school to know many new students and teachers. But how can we make new friends? Here is some advice:
Firstly, we should be kind with others. Don’t quarrel or even fight with others, so that we can make more friends. Secondly, try to help each other in with study. We can make progress together and get good grade. Thirdly, communicate with your classmates as much as possible, so you can know your classmates better and you can be more outgoing. Finally, you should take an active part in all kinds of activities and clubs, where you can develop your interests and make more friends.
I think all of us can get along with others well and make many friends then.

【亮点说明】这篇文章要点齐全,表述准确流利;文中用了Firstly首先;Secondly第二;Thirdly第三;Finally最后,增加文章的结构性。另外文中使用了些长句you should take an active part in all kinds of activities and clubs, where you can develop your interests and make more friends.你应该积极参加各种活动和社团,在那里你能培养兴趣并且结交更多的朋友。Where引导的非限制性定语从句。
第1个回答  2020-09-06



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