—What about () a rest? —OK! Let's go for a walk. A to have B had C having

I am so tired that I can () run. A ever B hardly C never
She always finishes her homework on time. She () leaves it for tomorrow. A always B never C usually
() the sky is gray today A How about B How come C How often
It's too dark in the room.He can hardly see anything,()? A can he B can't he C doesn't he

C what about + doing .... about 是介词,后动词用ing.
B 我太累了 几乎跑不动了
B 她从不把作业留在明天
B A He can hardly see 中 hardly 就否定了,所以反义疑问句后面 就应该是 can he , 而不能再用 否定的 not 了



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