
如下: 尊敬的老板:

关于我们收到印度人sujith mohan带有辱骂,侮辱性质的邮件后,我们人格在一定程度上受到了伤害,至于您作为老板所作的处理并未能平息我们心中的怒火,一直以来我们总是相信勤能补拙,然而在您发给我们的邮件中不难看出勤能补拙在您的管理中并没有体现!我们在想印度人sujith mohan为什么敢在邮件中辱骂我们也一定是有原因的吧?不然怎么敢那样的有恃无恐呢?工作一年多您并不了解我们,以至于长期以来我们在您的心目中根深蒂固地当起了白痴:我们一直都这样认为,努力做好自己的工作,就算是在很多问题上,例如加工资等等,受到了非常不平等的待遇后也一直没有改变我们对工作认真的态度,对工作的那份责任心,

翻译为 :

As follows: Respected bosses:

We received Indians on sujith mohan with abusive, insulting nature of e-mail, we personality to a certain extent by an injury, as for you as a boss's handling failed to appease the anger in our minds, we have always believed that hard work can make a man better, but you sent us in the e-mail is not difficult to see hard work can make a man better in your management and did not reflect! We would like to Indians sujith mohan why dare we in the mail abuse there is also some reason? Otherwise how dare so emboldened? More than a year of work you do not understand us, so we have a long time in your mind when ingrained from the idiots: We have always think so, strive to do their own work, even on many issues, such as wage increases and so on, were very unequal treatment after never change our attitude to work seriously on the work of the former sense of responsibility,




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