
5.1.2 进场后选择不影响施工和安全地点,树帐篷,帐篷应平整安全,内部清洁。及时打扫卫生保持周围环境良好。
5.1.3 钻机搬家严禁使用电线杆等危险设施做纤引固定点,在移孔尽量不用施工单位设施,避免发生纠纷,为保护绿化,钻机移动中尽可能不损坏花草树木。
5.1.4 搞好施工现场的清洁卫生是每个职工应尽的义务,钻孔勘察完毕后应尽快清理场地,回填泥浆坑防止发生意外伤亡事故。对钻探中的废土、钻孔泥浆应及时清理。
5.1.5 施工人员进入现场后应根据实际情况搞好与施工单位及邻里单位关系,注意语言美。
5.2 安全措施
5.2.1 机组人员进入钻探现场,必须穿工作服、戴安全帽、穿防滑鞋、戴手套,小心谨慎,注意安全。
5.2.2 立钻架前,要注意高空障碍物和高压线,如有高压线时钻架顶端应与其保持一定距离(1~10KV 时 5m,35~110KV 时 10m,154~330KV 时 15m)。
5.2.3 开钻前应搞清楚地下设施情况,采取必要措施进行,确保地下设施安全。

After choosing not affect the venue construction and security locations, the tree tents, tents should be formed security, internal cleansing. Timely cleaning the surroundings to maintain good health

Rig move against the use of poles and other dangerous facilities do defibrillators cited fixed point hole in the shift to the construction of facilities do not have to avoid disputes, for the protection of green, rig moving, as much as possible damage to plants and flowers.
Improve the sanitary construction site is the obligation of every worker, bored after the investigation should be cleared as soon as possible venues, mud pit backfill prevent accidents casualties. The drilling of waste soil, drilling mud should be cleared promptly.
Construction personnel to enter the scene, according to the actual situation and do a good job with the construction of the neighborhood unit, the attention of the US language.
Safety measures
The drilling crew at the scene, must wear uniforms, wear a helmet, wear non-slip shoes, gloves, careful attention to security.
立钻架前,要注意高空障碍物和高压线,如有高压线时钻架顶端应与其保持一定距离(1~10KV 时 5m,35~110KV 时 10m,154~330KV 时 15m)。
Rigs which ago, we should pay attention to a height barrier and the high-tension lines, where power lines should be at the top of their rigs which maintain a certain distance (1 ~ 10KV, 5m, 10m, 35 to 110KV, 154 ~ 15m when 330KV).
Li rigs which, should cooperate with each other to smooth isokinetic rose to raise the legs under no stops, to prevent rope fracture injury.

A clear before drilling underground facilities, to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of underground facilities.

第1个回答  2007-09-19
After choosing not affect the venue construction and security locations, the tree tents, tents should be formed security, internal cleansing. Timely cleaning the surroundings to maintain good health

Rig move against the use of poles and other dangerous facilities do defibrillators cited fixed point hole in the shift to the construction of facilities do not have to avoid disputes, for the protection of green, rig moving, as much as possible damage to plants and flowers.
Improve the sanitary construction site is the obligation of every worker, bored after the investigation should be cleared as soon as possible venues, mud pit backfill prevent accidents casualties. The drilling of waste soil, drilling mud should be cleared promptly.
Construction personnel to enter the scene, according to the actual situation and do a good job with the construction of the neighborhood unit, the attention of the US language.
Safety measures
The drilling crew at the scene, must wear uniforms, wear a helmet, wear non-slip shoes, gloves, careful attention to security.
立钻架前,要注意高空障碍物和高压线,如有高压线时钻架顶端应与其保持一定距离(1~10KV 时 5m,35~110KV 时 10m,154~330KV 时 15m)。
Rigs which ago, we should pay attention to a height barrier and the high-tension lines, where power lines should be at the top of their rigs which maintain a certain distance (1 ~ 10KV, 5m, 10m, 35 to 110KV, 154 ~ 15m when 330KV).
Li rigs which, should cooperate with each other to smooth isokinetic rose to raise the legs under no stops, to prevent rope fracture injury.

A clear before drilling underground facilities, to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of underground facilities.
第2个回答  2007-09-19
5.1.2 The queen who marches into the arena chooses the place not affecting construction and safety , the tree tent , the tent respond to neat safety , the inside cleaning. Sweep hygiene in time keeping an environment fine.

5.1.3 Drilling machine try one's best to disuse unit in charge of construction facilities, the point moving strictly prohibiting from using an utility pole to wait for dangerous facilities to be used for a towline attracting fixation, avoids dispute happened , is to protect afforestation in moving a hole, the drilling machine does not damage flowers and plants trees as far as possible in displacement.

5.1.4 Doing well in clean construction site hygiene is every staff and worker one's bounden duty , prevents from unexpected casualty accident happened in the mud pit should clear up space as soon as possible , backfill after the borehole reconnaissance is finished. The slurry responds to in time to useless soil , borehole in probing check up.

5.1.5 The builder enters the scene queen should foster good comparing with unit in charge of construction and neighbourhood unit relations according to reality , pays attention to a beautification of the language.

5.2 Safe practice

5.2.1 The aircraft crew personnel enters the probing scene , must have work clothes on , wear safety helmet , have the anti-skidding shoe on , wear a glove , circumspect , pay attention to safety.

5.2.2 Erect the drilling cramp front , be going to pay attention to high altitude obstruction and high-tension line, if the drilling cramp top responds to when having a high-tension line than keeping certain distance (1 ~ 10 KV time 5 ms, time 35 ~ 110 KV 10 ms, time 154 ~ 330 KV 15 ms). Respond to a mutual coordination , stable constant speed stands up when erecting the drill rack, puts up strictly forbidding the station people under leg , hurts in order to preventing a steel wire rope from breaking bringing about.

5.2.3 Collaring should beat underground facilities condition out in the front , adopt necessary measure being in progress , ensure underground facilities safety.



第3个回答  2007-09-19
5.1.2 choose not affect the venue construction and security locations, the tree tents, tents should be formed security, internal cleansing. Timely cleaning the surroundings to maintain good health.
5.1.3 rig move against the use of poles and other dangerous facilities do defibrillators cited fixed point hole in the shift to the construction of facilities do not have to avoid disputes, for the protection of green, rig moving, as much as possible damage to plants and flowers.
5.1.4 Construction Site improve sanitation is the obligation of every worker, bored after the investigation should be cleared as soon as possible venues, mud pit backfill prevent accidents casualties. The drilling of waste soil, drilling mud should be cleared promptly.
5.1.5 Construction personnel to enter the scene, according to the actual situation and do a good job with the construction of the neighborhood unit, the attention of the US language.
Measures 5.2
5.2.1 drilling crew entered the scene, we must wear uniforms, wear a helmet, wear non-slip shoes, gloves, careful attention to security.
5.2.2 legislation rigs which, we should pay attention to a height barrier and the high-tension lines, where power lines should be at the top of their rigs which maintain a certain distance (1 ~ 10KV, 5m, 10m, 35 to 110KV, 154 ~ 15m when 330KV).
Li rigs which, should cooperate with each other to smooth isokinetic rose to raise the legs under no stops, to prevent rope fracture injury.
5.2.3 should be sorted out before a drilling underground facilities, to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of underground facilities.



第4个回答  2007-09-19
5.1.2The queen who marches into the arena chooses the place not affecting construction and safety , the tree tent , the tent respond to neat safety , the inside cleaning. Sweep hygiene in time keeping an environment fine
5.1.3 Drilling machine the point moving strictly prohibiting from using an utility pole to wait for dangerous facilities to be used for a towline attracting fixation, does not damage flowers and plants trees as far as possible in moving a hole avoiding dispute happened , moving for protecting afforestation , the drilling machine without unit in charge of construction facilities to the full.
5.1.4Doing well in clean construction site hygiene is every staff and worker one's bounden duty , prevents from unexpected casualty accident happened in the mud pit should clear up space as soon as possible , backfill after the borehole reconnaissance is finished. The slurry responds to in time to useless soil , borehole in probing check up.



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