
The notion of urban growth has changed since the post-war era with the emergence of
transnational cultural consumption and the rise of global cities. Consequently, urban
renewal is no longer the only tool used by the growth machine to capture economic
returns. Urban preservation has been adopted by local officials and developers as
a more sophisticated way to achieve urban growth. Through the investigation of
spatial restructuring in Beijing from 1990 to 2005, this article has analysed how
redevelopment and preservation efforts have coexisted and generated symbolic urban
preservation. While the ODHR programme intensified land use by tearing down old
courtyard houses and putting up modern structures with higher densities, a variety
of preservation projects were carried out by local governments to smooth out the
functioning of the growth machine, create a better image for the city and promote
As a product of the hybrid pattern of urban growth, symbolic urban preservation
reconciles various and often contradictory interests, demands and goals. Besides
maintaining selected aspects of the cultural heritage and converting them into
urban amenities, it also facilitates demolition by lending legitimacy to redevelopment
efforts. To better serve the growth machine, symbolic urban preservation is highly
selective in terms of the object and the approach of preservation. In Beijing, while
significant monuments with obvious audience potential (such as the city walls) were
restored, a large number of residential areas were demolished. Even though some old
neighbourhoods are designated as preservation districts, there is no effective policy to
protect them from demolition or dilapidation. A few designated districts have been
turned into entertainment districts, where heritage resources have been reused or




To create a better image for the city and promote tourism for the task since the post-war era.
To better serve the growth machine, symbolic urban preservation is highly selective in terms of the object and the approach of preservation.为了更好的服务增长机器,象征城市保存高度选择性方面的对象和方法的保存.
For example, some of Beijing places of historic interest and scenic beauty.比如北京的一些名胜古迹。





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