
where is all of the Internet data stored?the Internet provides access to an amazing volume of data ,including corporate Web pages,merchandise catalogs,software,music,tutorials on all manner of subjucts,school science projects,telephone directores,library card catalogs,and so on.Although difficult to pin down exact figures,it is estimated that the Internet provides access to more data than is stored in all of the academic research libraries in the U.S.Most of the “stuff”that’s accessible on the Internet is stored on servers ,which are owned and maintained by government agencies,corporations,small businesses,school,organizations ,and even indiciduals.These severs use special server softwaree to locate and distribute data that’s requested by Internet users.How does data get from point A to point B on the Internet?Every device that’s connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number,called an IP address,that pinpoints its location in cyberspace.To prepare data for transport,a computer divides the data into small chunks,called packets.Each packet is labeled with the IP address of its destination and then transmitted.When a packet reaches an intersection in the Internet’s communications links,a device called a router examines the packet’s address.The router checks the address in a routing table and then sends the packet along the appropriate link towards its destination.As packets arrive at theie destinations,they are reassembled into a replica of the original file.What sort of resources does the Internet provide?If you’re looking for information,if you want to communicate with someone ,or if you want to buy something ,the Internet offers a good set of resources.Here is a quick overview of Internet resources.

所有互联网数据在哪里被存放?互联网在subjucts,学校科学项目,电话directores,图书证编目所有方式提供存取对于惊人的数据量,包括公司网页,商品编目,软件,音乐,讲解,等等。虽然困难迫使采取确切的图,它估计互联网比在所有学术研究图书馆在是容易接近的在互联网被存放在服务器,由政府机构、公司、小企业、学校、组织和均匀indiciduals拥有并且维护“材料的”提供存取对于更多数据的U.S.Most被存放。这些切断用途特别服务器softwaree位于 并且分布由互联网用户请求的数据。数据从点A怎么得到指向B在互联网?连接到互联网的每个设备被分配一个独特的数字,称IP地址,在网际空间精确定位它的地点。要数据为运输做准备,计算机划分数据成小大块,称小包。每个小包标记以它的目的地IP地址然后被传送。当小包在互联网的通信线路时到达一个交叉点,称路由器的设备审查小包的地址。路由器在路线表里检查地址然后送小包沿适当的链接往它的目的地。当小包到达在theie目的地,他们被重新召集入原始的文件的复制品。什么样 资源做互联网提供?如果您寻找信息,如果您想要与某人沟通,或者,如果您想要买某事,互联网提供好套资源。这互联网资源快的概要。
第1个回答  2007-09-19
所有互联网数据在哪里被存放?互联网在subjucts,学校科学项目,电话directores,图书证编目所有方式提供存取对于惊人的数据量,包括公司网页,商品编目,软件,音乐,讲解,等等。虽然困难迫使采取确切的图,它估计互联网比在所有学术研究图书馆在是容易接近的在互联网被存放在服务器,由政府机构、公司、小企业、学校、组织和均匀indiciduals拥有并且维护“材料的”提供存取对于更多数据的U.S.Most被存放。这些切断用途特别服务器softwaree位于 并且分布由互联网用户请求的数据。数据从点A怎么得到指向B在互联网?连接到互联网的每个设备被分配一个独特的数字,称IP地址,在网际空间精确定位它的地点。要数据为运输做准备,计算机划分数据成小大块,称小包。每个小包标记以它的目的地IP地址然后被传送。当小包在互联网的通信线路时到达一个交叉点,称路由器的设备审查小包的地址。路由器在路线表里检查地址然后送小包沿适当的链接往它的目的地。当小包到达在theie目的地,他们被重新召集入原始的文件的复制品。



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