

Ask sb to do要求某人做某事

Ask sb not to do要求某人不要做某事

Ask for要求

Ask about sth问关于某事

Tell sb to do告诉某人做某事

Tell sb not to do告诉某人不要做某事

Tell stories讲故事

Tell jokes讲笑话

Tell the truth说实话

Help sb (to) do帮助某人做某事

Help sb with sth在某事上帮助某人

Want to do想要做某事

Make sb do使某人做某事

Like doing喜欢做某事

Like to do喜欢做某事

Let sb do让某人做某事

Give up doing放弃做

Mind doing介意做

Miss doing错过做

Enjoy doing喜欢做

worth doing值得做

Consider doing考虑做

Practice doing联系做

Keep doing保持做

Favor doing宠爱做

Fancy doing想象做

Finish doing完成做

Feel like doing喜欢做

Have difficulty doing做...有困难

Have fun doing玩的开心

Have a good time doing玩的开心

Hope sb do希望某人做某事

Be busy doing忙于做某事

Be busy with sth忙于某事

Play with sth/sb与某人、某事玩

Agree to do同意做某事

Agree with sb同意某人

Agreee to sth同意某事

Decide to do决定做某事

Decide on sth决定某事

Be determined to do决定做某事

Determine to do决定做某事

Dislike to do不喜欢做某事

Dislike doing不喜欢做某事

Love to do喜欢做某事(从心里)

Be interested in sth对某事感兴趣

Discuss with sb与某人讨论

Discuss about sth讨论某事

Teach sb to do sth教某人做某事

Give sb sth给某人某物

Give sth to sb个某人某物

Learn from sb/sth从某人/某事学到

Listen to听

Wait for sb等某人

Find sb doing找到...正在做

Feel sb doing感觉到...正在做

Listen to ... Doing听到...正在做

Hear doing听到...正在做

See doing看到...正在做

Watch doing看到...正在做

Look at ... doing看到...正在做

Feel do感觉...做

Listen to sb do听到...做

Hear do听到...做

See do看到...做

Watch do看到...做

Look at ... do看到...做

Stop to do停止去做

Stop doing停止做

Start to do开始做

Start doing开始做

Begin to do开始做

Begin doing开始做

Try to do努力做

Try doing尝试做

Forget to do忘记做

Forget doing忘记做过
R>Remember to do记住做

Remember doing记住做过

Work as作为...工作

Work for为...工作

Work in在...工作(大地点)

Work at在...工作(小地点)

Be good at擅长

Be good for有利于

Be good with对...好

Be bad at不擅长

Be bad for不利于

Be bad with对...不好

Be friendly to对...友好

Be unfriendly to对...不友好

Fight with sb与某人打架

Die of死于

Have no right to do没有权利做

There be sb/sth doing有某人/某物正在做

Need to do需要做

Have to do不得不做

Should do应该做

Do some doing最一些...

Disagree to do不同意做

Disagree to sth不同意某事

Disagree with sb不同意某人

A waste of sth浪费某物

Thanks for doing谢谢做...

Thanks to sb谢谢某人

No doing不要做

Prep + doing介词后面加doing

It is + adj + to do做......样

It is + adj + for sb to do对于某人做... ...样

It takes time/money for sb to do花费某人时间/金钱做

It takes time/money to do花费时间/金钱做

It took time/money for sb to do花费某人时间/金钱做

It took time/money to do花费时间/金钱做(过去)

Had better do最好做

Had better not do最好不要做

Help oneself请自便

Help doing情不自禁做

(can't)Stand doing(无法)忍受做

Talk with与某人谈话

Talk to对某人谈话

Talk about谈论

Buy sb sth给某人买东西

Buy sth for sb为某人买东西

Buy sth from 从...买东西

Lend sth to sb借给某人某物

Lend sb sth借给某人某物

Borrow sb sth某人借用某物

Borrow sth from sb某人借用某物

Live in住在(大地点)

Live at住在(小地点)

Stay at呆在

Arrive at到达(小地点)

Arrive in到达(大地点)

Put on穿上

Put off脱下

Keep order维持秩序

Join in加入

Take part in加入

Be proud of为...而骄傲

Set out离港

Say goodbye to对...说再见

Say morning to对...说早上好

Look for寻找

Take care of照顾

Take care保重

Look after照顾

Pay attention注意

Make up one's mind决定

Drive sb + adj把某人逼到...

Be mad at sb对某人生气

Be mad with sth对某人生气

Be determined not to do决定不要做

Dream of/about梦到
Complain of/about抱怨

Hear from/of来信

Protect from保护

Differ from区别

Be different from区别

Believe in相信

Live on靠...为生

Live as作为...生活

Complain to sb对某人抱怨

Complain about sth抱怨某事

Would rather do(A)then do(B)宁愿A也不要B

Prefer doing(A)to doing(B)宁愿A也不要B



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