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负责这个旅馆的经理应该对这次灾难负责 他应该得到惩罚
昨天他加入了俱乐部并积极参加俱乐部组织的活动 所以他没时间参加会议
他承认他把录音机拆开了 他答应把破了的录音机换成新的
许多运动员虽然没有在每四年举行一次的届奥运会中为国家赢得荣誉 但却帮助别人实现了梦想

负责这个旅馆的经理应该对这次灾难负责 他应该得到惩罚
The manager in charge of this hotel should be responsible for this disaster. He should be punished.
I expect to reach the standard set by your school and be accepted to enrol.
昨天他加入了俱乐部并积极参加俱乐部组织的活动 所以他没时间参加会议
Yesterday he joined the club and took an active part in the activities organized by the club, which is why he didn't have time to attend the meeting.
他承认他把录音机拆开了 他答应把破了的录音机换成新的
He admitted that he took the recorder apart, and he agreed to replace the broken recorder with a new one.
许多运动员虽然没有在每四年举行一次的届奥运会中为国家赢得荣誉 但却帮助别人实现了梦想
Many sportsmen haven't won any honours for their countries in the Olympics held every four years, but they have helped others to realize their dreams.追问

奥运会的志愿者将帮助人们找到前往体操馆与体育场的路 这是很重要的 这句怎么翻

第1个回答  2011-12-16
the related hotel manager should be responsible for this disaster, and should result in punishment.
i look forward for your being qualified to admitted by your school.
yesterday he joined a club and take part in the activities, so he had no time to attend this meeting.
he admitted that he disintegrate the radio and promise to replace the broken by a new one
many athletes can't win the honor for the country in Olympic Games which is held in every four years, but they still make many others' dream come true
第2个回答  2011-12-16
The manager who is in charge of this hotel should take resposibilities for this disaster and be punished.
I hope i can attain to the standards of your school and get matriculated.
He joined the club yestaday and took an active part in its activity,so he had no time to attend the meeting.
He admitted that he took the recorder part but he promised he would change it to a new one.
Although many athletes didn't win the honor for their country in Olympic Games which was hold ever four years, but they helped others to realize their dreams.



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