
1.How do you feel about your English studies? Why?
2.What do you think is the best way to learn new words ( improve your oral English / improve your listening) in English?
3.How can you use the internet for your studies?
4.What is your favorite English book? What is the book about?
5.Do you think that there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If there is, give some examples.
6.What do you think the ideal parents should be?
7.Do you have a memorable story about your family? What is it?
8.What can you do to ease your parents’ worries on you?
9.What does give and sacrifice bring to our life?
10.Who is the person that has made a difference in your life? What makes him/her so special?
11.What does “A friend in need is a friend indeed” mean to you?
12.What do you think are the important things that contribute to the friendship?
13.How to make a good first impression at a job interview?
14.How to prepare for interviews?
15.How to make a public speech?
16.What questions do you think are often asked in an interview ? Why are they asked?
17.What are difference between Chinese and Americans’ attitude toward time?
18.Should people live by plans and deadlines?
19. Do you agree that Chinese people are very relaxed about time? Give your reasons.
20. How do you manage your time in college life?
21. Who is the greatest Olympic athlete and how they influenced the lives of others.
22. What do Olympic athletes teach us?
23. What are the virtues or qualities that make a person an Olympic hero?
24. What sports mean to you?
25. Discuss your ideal husband/wife.
26.Is it good or bad to marry a foreigner?
27. Have you ever thought about marrying a foreign? Can it be an exciting experience or an awful one? Give your reasons.
28. In your opinion, what’s the biggest problem in marrying a foreign, the differences in languages, cultures or religions?
30. How to find love on the Internet?
31. What is the best age for a person to begin dating?
32. How do you make the person you desire understand how you feel?
33. What are the things that your parents didn’t want you to do when you were a child? And do you agree with them?
34. How can parents and children improve their mutual understanding?
35. Will parents’ generosity spoil their child? Give your reasons.

    English studies is complex and interesting because I can learn many defferent things and new things from it.

    communicating with other people is the best way to learn new words .

    I often use internet to look for and download some information that is useful to our studies.

    Great Expectations ,it is a well-known novel about a poor boy becoming a gentleman by working hard written by Charles Dickens.

    Yes.my parents  think computer affect my study,  I don't agree with them.

    If my parents can understand what I need ,i think they will be  the  ideal parents .




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