
The Lamberts decided to go ouerseas for vacation. They had a family meeting to plan the vacation."First," Mr lambert said,"we should decide where we are going."
"I don't agree,"Mrs Lambert said, "I think we should decide when we are going first.We don't want to go to the plances when they are cold."Mr Lambert agreed, so the famiy's first decision was when to go vacation. They decided to go in July.

"Now we can decide where to go,"said Mr Lambert.
"But, Dad ,"Ben said,"don't you think that where we go depends on how we go? If we plan to fly, we can go far . If we plan to drive, we can't go far."
Again, Mr Lambert agreed, and they discussed this. At last they agreed to travel by plane.
And so the planning meeting went on. The next day,one of Mr Lambert's friends at work asked, "Where are you going for vacation?"
"Well ," Mr Lambert told him , "we are going in summer by plane, but Idon't know where we are going!"
Every year most Americans take vacations in summer.A vacation is usually for one or two weeks. Families will often drive their cars during their vacation , but if the place is too far ,they will fly there .Many Americans go to the beaches,mountains ,Disney World or large cities .Some families enjoy camping ,others prefer to rent hotel rooms or beach homes .Vacation are planned for relaxation and fun , so Amerians choose their vacations according to what they like best .Some people want to spend their time relaxing at the seaside and enjoying the sun ,but others prefer to do as many activities as posible . Year after year ,Amercians often go to the same vacation place, but some families enjoy visiting new ones. So, a vacation is a great way to take a break from work or school.



第1个回答  2010-09-18



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