

What you said is true. (你说的是真的。)
Who will go with us? (谁会和我们一起去?)
Whoever comes first can choose the seat. (谁先来谁可以选座位。)
I don’t know where he went. (我不知道他去哪里了。)
When she will arrive is still unknown. (她什么时候到达还不确定。)
Why he is late is not clear. (他为什么迟到还不清楚。)
How you did it is amazing. (你是如何做到的真的很厉害。)
That he was fired surprised everyone. (他被解雇了让所有人都感到惊讶。)
I believe what he said. (我相信他说的话。)
It is important that you come to the meeting. (你来参加会议很重要。)
She is certain that he will come. (她确信他会来。)
I wonder whether he will come or not. (我想知道他是否会来。)
We should ask ourselves what we can do for the society. (我们应该问问自己能为社会做些什么。)
The fact that he failed again is not surprising. (他再次失败这个事实并不令人惊讶。)
He asked me if I wanted to go with him. (他问我是否想和他一起去。)
She told me who she was. (她告诉我她是谁。)
I don’t know why he is angry. (我不知道他为什么生气。)
It is clear that he loves her. (很显然他爱她。)
I doubt whether he will come on time. (我怀疑他是否会准时到达。)
I am afraid that I can’t go with you. (我担心我不能和你一起去。)
This is what I need. (这就是我需要的。)
That he is the best student in the class is well-known. (他是班里最好的学生这个事实是众所周知的。)
The news that he won the prize made him very happy. (他赢得奖项的消息让他非常高兴。)
He doesn’t know how to swim, which is a pity. (他不会游泳,这很遗憾。)
Whoever finishes first can leave early. (谁先完成谁可以早点离开。)
The question is whether we should continue or not. (问题是我们是否应该继续。)
It is possible that he will come. (他有可能会来。)
She asked me where I had been. (她问我去了哪里。)
It is a good idea that we have a party. (我们举行聚会是个好主意。)
I wonder what he is doing now. (我想知道他现在在干什么。)
The fact that he didn’t come is disappointing. (他没有来这个事实非常令人失望。)
I don’t know whether he is telling the truth or not. (我不知道他是否在说真话。)
It is clear that we need to work harder. (很显然我们需要更加努力工作。)
She asked me if I had finished my homework. (她问我是否完成了作业。)
I am not sure whether he will be able to come or not. (我不确定他是否能来。)
It is possible that we will have a holiday next week. (我们下周可能会放假。)
I wonder why he is always late for work. (我想知道他为什么总是上班迟到。)
The news that I got the job made me very happy. (我得到这份工作的消息让我非常高兴。)
It is important that we take action immediately. (我们必须立即采取行动很重要。)
She asked me where I had bought the dress. (她问我在哪里买的这件裙子。)
It is possible that the meeting will be cancelled. (会议可能会被取消。)
I don’t know whether she likes me or not. (我不知道她是否喜欢我。)
It is clear that we need to make some changes. (很显然我们需要做出一些改变。)
He asked me if I knew how to drive. (他问我是否会开车。)
I am not sure whether I can finish the project on time or not. (我不确定我是否能按时完成这个项目。)
It is possible that he will be late. (他有可能会迟到。)
I wonder what she is thinking about. (我想知道她在想什么。)
The fact that he is younger than me surprised me. (他比我年轻这个事实让我惊讶。)
It is important that we respect each other. (我们彼此尊重很重要。)
She asked me why I was crying. (她问我为什么哭了。)
I don’t know whether they will come to the party or not. (我不知道他们是否会来参加聚会。)
It is clear that we have a lot of work to do. (很显然我们有很多工作要做。)
It is possible that he will be promoted soon. (他很可能会很快被提升。)
I wonder where she is now. (我想知道她现在在哪里。)
The fact that he was late again is unacceptable. (他再次迟到这个事实是无法接受的。)
It is important that we keep our promise. (我们必须遵守承诺很重要。)
She asked me if I had seen the movie. (她问我是否看过这部电影。)
I am not sure whether I will be able to attend the meeting or not. (我不确定我是否能参加这次会议。)
It is possible that we will have a new boss soon. (我们很可能很快就会有一个新的上司。)
I wonder why he didn’t answer my call. (我想知道他为什么没有接我的电话。)
The fact that he is married surprised me. (他结婚了这个事实让我感到惊讶。)
It is clear that we need to improve our communication. (很显然我们需要改善沟通。)
It is important that we take care of the environment. (我们必须保护环境很重要。)
She asked me what I was doing. (她问我在干什么。)
I don’t know whether he will be able to finish the project on time or not. (我不知道他是否能按时完成这个项目。)
It is possible that we will have a new product launch next month. (我们下个月很可能会推出新产品。)
I wonder who he is talking to. (我想知道他在和谁说话。)
The fact that he always wears a hat is interesting. (他总是戴帽子这个事实很有趣。)
It is clear that we need to reduce our expenses. (很显然我们需要减少开支。)
It is important that we support each other. (我们必须互相支持很重要。)
She asked me if I could lend her some money. (她问我是否可以借给她一些钱。)
I am not sure whether the project will be successful or not. (我不确定这个项目是否会成功。)
It is possible that we will have a new employee next week. (下周我们有可能会有一个新员工。)
I wonder what he is writing about. (我想知道他在写什么。)
The fact that he is a vegetarian surprises many people. (他是素食主义者这个事实让很多人感到惊讶。)
It is clear that we need to work together to achieve our goals. (很显然我们需要共同努力实现我们的目标。)
It is important that we learn from our mistakes. (我们必须从错误中吸取教训很重要。)
She asked me where I had parked my car. (她问我停车在哪里了。)
I don’t know whether he will be able to pass the exam or not. (我不知道他是否能通过考试。)
It is possible that we will have a new project next month. (我们下个月有可能会有一个新项目。)
I wonder why she didn’t come to the party. (我想知道她为什么没有来参加聚会。)
The fact that he is a good singer surprises many people. (他是一名好歌手这个事实让很多人感到惊讶。)
It is clear that we need to be more efficient. (很显然我们需要更加高效。)
It is important that we respect other people’s opinions. (我们必须尊重他人的意见很重要。)
She asked me if I had heard the news. (她问我是否听过这个消息。)
I am not sure whether the company will be profitable this year or not. (我不确定公司今年是否会盈利。)
It is possible that we will have a team building activity next month. (下个月我们有可能会进行团队建设活动。)
I wonder what she is wearing today. (我想知道她今天穿的是什么。)
The fact that he is a good cook surprises many people. (他是一名好厨师这个事实让很多人感到惊讶。)
It is clear that we need to be more creative. (很显然我们需要更加有创意。)
It is important that we be honest with ourselves. (我们必须对自己诚实很重要。)
She asked me if I could help her with her homework. (她问我是否可以帮她做作业。)
I don’t know whether he will be able to fix the computer or not. (我不知道他是否能修好这台电脑。)
It is possible that we will have a new marketing strategy next quarter. (下个季度我们有可能会有一项新的营销策略。)
I wonder why he didn’t come to the meeting. (我想知道他为什么没有来参加会议。)
The fact that he is a good dancer surprises many people. (他是一名好舞者这个事实让很多人感到惊讶。)
It is clear that we need to be more organized. (很显然我们需要更加有条理。)
It is important that we be kind to others. (我们必须对他人友善很重要。)
She asked me where I had booked my flight. (她问我在哪里预定了我的航班。)
I am not sure whether he will be able to come to the party or not. (我不确定



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