care of的意思是什么?


这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 care of和care for 的区别:

    "Care of" 常用于信件或包裹的地址上,表示转交代收人或代为转交的情况;"care for" 则表示对某人或某物的关心、照顾或照料。两者在用法和含义上有细微的区别,具体使用要根据语境和表达意图来选择合适的表达方式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 care of和care for 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 care of和care for 的具体区别🤞:


- "care of" 通常用于描述某人或某物的地址,表示邮寄或交付给某人的名义。

- "care for" 用于表示照顾、关心或对待某人或某物的需求。

1. "care of" 的例子:

a) Please send the package to John Smith, care of Mary Johnson. (请将包裹寄给约翰·史密斯,收件人是玛丽·约翰逊。)

b) The letter is addressed to the school, care of the principal. (这封信是寄给学校的,收件人是校长。)

2. "care for" 的例子:

a) She cares for her younger brother while their parents are at work. (在父母上班时,她照顾她的弟弟。)

b) The nurse cares for the patients with compassion and professionalism. (护士用关怀和专业精神对待病人。)


- "care of" 常用于信件、包裹或送货地址中,表示将邮件或物品送至某人的名义,以便确保正确送达。

- "care for" 强调对他人的照顾、关心或关注。

1. "care of" 的例子:

a) If you can't be home, you can leave the package at the front desk, care of the doorman. (如果你不能在家,你可以把包裹放在前台,收件人是门卫。)

b) The letter was sent to the company, care of the HR department. (这封信寄给了公司,收件人是人力资源部。)

2. "care for" 的例子:

a) She cares for her elderly grandmother, ensuring she has everything she needs. (她照顾年迈的祖母,确保她拥有一切所需。)

b) The animal shelter cares for abandoned pets and finds them loving homes. (动物收容所照顾被遗弃的宠物,并帮助它们找到有爱心的家庭。)


- "care of" 强调邮寄或交付物品给某人的名义,通常用于信件、包裹等的收件地址。

- "care for" 强调对他人的照顾、关心或照料,涉及到对人或物的情感和责任。

1. "care of" 的例子:

a) The parcel should be delivered to the recipient's address, care of the manager. (包裹应该送到收件人的地址,收件人是经理。)

b) The invitation was sent to the guest, care of the event organizer. (邀请函寄给了客人,收件人是活动组织者。)

2. "care for" 的例子:

a) He cares for his sick friend by visiting him regularly and bringing him meals. (他通过定期探望和带饭照顾他生病的朋友。)

b) The organization cares for underprivileged children, providing them with education and support. (该组织照顾弱势儿童,为他们提供教育和支持。)


- "care of" 用于描述邮寄或交付物品的名义,着重于确保物品送至正确的收件人手中。

- "care for" 用于描述关心、照顾或照料他人或物品,强调对他人需求的关注。

1. "care of" 的例子:

a) The letter should be addressed to John Smith, care of his assistant. (信函应该写给约翰·史密斯,收件人是他的助理。)

b) The package is being held at the post office, care of the postmaster. (包裹被保存在邮局,收件人是邮政局长。)

2. "care for" 的例子:

a) The parents care for their newborn baby with great love and attention. (父母用无比的爱和关注照顾他们的新生儿。)

b) The volunteer cares for the stray animals, providing them with food and shelter. (志愿者照顾流浪动物,为它们提供食物和庇护所。)




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