live on还是live in


首先我们来看下live on、live in的大致意思

live on:词性为短语动词,live on 着重指在困难、逆境或某种条件下继续生存或生活,并且有可能长期持续下去。

live in:词性为短语动词,live in 强调在特定的地方居住或定居,并且通常指长期居住。

通过下面的图我们了解下live on、live in的含义、发音和用法


live on:

Despite being unemployed for a year, he still lives on his savings.


Elderly people usually live on pensions to support themselves.


In this impoverished country, many people live on charity organizations for survival.


The residents on this island live on fishing and farming.


Despite the soaring prices, he still lives on odd jobs.


Even though she lost her job, she will find other ways to live on.


live in:

My brother now lives in Beijing.


They live in a beautiful villa.


The artist settled in this city a long time ago.


They decided to buy a house by the sea and live in it.


The residents of this village live at the foot of the mountain.


The couple plans to live in the countryside.





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