

My Dream College

  It’s my great honor to share my dream college with you. As we all know , going to college has been attached great significance to us Chinese students . And we are sparing no effort to be admitted by our dream college.

  Definitely, my dream college is Fudan University , which in my heart, is well-known for her

  first-class education. On the one hand , she has attracted me since I was a child because my mother graduated from Fudan University. Meanwhile, Fudan University is located in ShangHai, which is an international city where I can get a lot of knowledge and experience. Above all , I am sure it is where I will go on fighting for my better future.

  To realize my dream , whatever challenge I will face , I will never give in. Though it is a great challenge for me to realize my dream, I will make a detailed plan and make use of every minute to make it to Fudan University.


第1个回答  2016-11-09
我爱家乡的冰雪 我的家乡-哈尔滨是一个美丽的城市,随着第一场雪的来临,哈尔滨就好似穿上了白色的礼服. 家乡的冰雪是洁白的.漫天下起了绵绵大雪,哇!好美好美,就像下珍珠雨一般美丽,那雪花就像珍珠一般洁白. 家乡的冰雪是晶莹剔透的.漫天的雪花飘到了我的手上,拿起来一看,哇!像水晶一般晶莹,像星星一样小巧玲珑. 家乡的冰雪的形状是各种各样的.雪花飘落在我的身上,瞧!形态各异,有的像森林,有的像星星,有的像飞镖,还有的像飞碟.我真想将它们带回家. 家乡的冰雪是清凉的.柔柔的雪花飘到了我的脸上,我的睫毛上,啊!好清凉啊,就像泪水被冰冻一样,滑落在嘴上,尤如冰淇淋一般凉爽. 家乡的冰雪是壮美的.哈尔滨是冰雕之乡,那冰的瑰丽,如玉石般冰晶玉洁,再加上工匠的鬼斧神雕真是绝美无比.每当夜晚来临的时候,又显现出璀璨的光芒,五光十色. 家乡的冰雪又是欢乐的,雪爷爷发怒后,大地又是一片银妆素裹,最高兴的就是我们,我们打雪仗、堆雪人、雕雪堡,尽情地在雪地上翻滚,欢笑. 总之,我就是喜欢我们家乡的冰雪,因为它是洁白



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