

1. Is not conducive to the students' personality training 2. Is not conducive to the innovative spirit of culture. Advocating individuality in the 1990s, the monotony of uniforms, whether to stifle the children's aesthetic development, to obliterate the personality 4 to cultivate students' creativity and imagination. According to the theory of physiological stimulus response, there is no personality of a thousand people, not only the child's personality, but also the child's creativity, imagination pressure. 5 every day wear the same uniforms, in violation of the "things are changing development" philosophy, 6 mostly sportswear and the like, students wear uniform while, but not necessarily the spirit, to boost the morale of no benefits of 7 is school uniforms are produced according to a unified model that is not tailored; 8 students to wear school uniforms, uniform, discipline and good looks. In fact, this is only the surface phenomenon. However, many of the Chinese leadership that is false "sense of discipline", forcing students to wear uniforms, to show that well run schools. 9 wearing school uniforms will make the individual all the clothes idle, causing great waste of national resources. 10 wearing school uniform for the enforcement, is not conducive to the establishment of the democratic system of our country1. 不利于学生个性的培养2. 不利于创新精神的培养3. 在崇尚个性的年代,千篇一律的校服,是否扼杀了孩子们的审美发展,抹杀了个性4 利于培养学生的创造力、想像力。根据生理学刺激反应理论,毫无个性的千人一服,不仅是对孩子个性的抹杀,也是对孩子创造力、想像力的打压。5 天天穿同一件校服,违反了“事物是变化反展的”哲学道理,6 大都是运动服之类,学生穿上虽然整齐划一,但是不见得精神,对提振精神面貌无多大益处7是校服都是按统一型号生产的,不是量体裁衣; 8学生穿校服,整齐划一,看上去纪律不错,其实这仅仅是表面现象。然而,不少领导看中的就是这种虚假的“纪律感”,强令学生穿校服,以显示治校有方。 9穿校服将使个人所有衣服闲置,造成国家资源的极大浪费。10穿校服多为强制执行,不利于我国民主制度的建立



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