


基本意思prep.(表示对象)为,给,对;受雇于;为 ;代表(群体、组织);往;向;前往;(表示意图、目的)用来,为了;代替;代表;替…(感到);为…(感到);供…之用;为…所需;(表示可用性)供,为;(表示用途)用作…;(置于名词后)由于,因为;(表示时间)持续;(表示距离)达,计;以…的价格;以…为交换;花费;在(指定的时间);在…时节;为了(庆祝);(表示目的地)往,向;关于;至于;对于;(用于引出动词不定式的主语);(表示相对而言不寻常)就…而言;(表示渴望)愿意做,想要;对…来说适合;相当于;等于;因为;支持;赞成;有利于;(引出所支持或被证明之事)在…方面,有关,关于;(用于引出更多信息或与某性质、事物、行为相关的事物)至于,关于;为了成为;为了进入;以…为代价;作为对…的惩罚;conj.因为;由于…的缘故;鉴于


    headed off for town.出发去城里;

    had a nose for news; eager for fame and fortune.消息灵通;

    渴求名利prepared lunch for us.我们准备午餐

    spoke for all the members.代表全体成员发言

    Were they for or against the proposal?他们支持这项议案还是反对呢?

    a substitute for eggs.鸡蛋的替代品;

    took two steps back for every step forward.每前进一步向后退两步。

第1个回答  2021-10-22
Essential Meaning of for

1 —used to indicate the place someone or something is going to or toward
He just left for the office.

2 —used to indicate the person or thing that something is sent or given to
Are there any letters for me?

3 —used to indicate the thing that something is meant to be used with
There's a separate slot for out-of-town mail.

Full Definition of for (Entry 1 of 5)

1a —used as a function word to indicate purpose
a grant for studying medicine
b —used as a function word to indicate an intended goal
left for home
acted for the best
c —used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity
now for a good rest
run for your life
an eye for a bargain

2a : as being or constituting
taken for a fool
eggs for breakfast
b —used as a function word to indicate an actual or implied enumeration or selection
for one thing, the price is too high

3 : because of
can't sleep for the heat
4 —used as a function word to indicate suitability or fitness
it is not for you to choose
ready for action

5a : in place of
go to the store for me
b(1) : on behalf of : REPRESENTING
speaks for the court
(2) : in favor of
all for the plan
6 : in spite of —usually used with all
for all his large size, he moves gracefully
7 : with respect to : CONCERNING
a stickler for detail
heavy for its size
8a —used as a function word to indicate equivalence in exchange
$10 for a hat
, equality in number or quantity
point for point
, or correspondence or correlation
for every one that works, you'll find five that don't
b —used as a function word to indicate number of attempts
0 for 4
9 —used as a function word to indicate duration of time or extent of space
gone for two days

10 : in honor of : AFTER
named for her grandmother
第2个回答  2021-10-22
第3个回答  2021-10-21
第4个回答  2021-10-22



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