

到目前为止 so far
实现 come true
在晚会上 at the party
日常英语 everyday English
如此——以至于 so...that
了解 catch on
像——一样 be like
在近十五年 in the recent fifty years
属于 belong to
弄清楚 make clear
处理 deal with
熄灭 go out
直到——才 until...
向里面看 look inside
第1个回答  2008-11-06
“到目前为止”-till now或so far
“在晚会上”-in the party
“日常英语”-daily english
“在近十五年”-in the recent 15 years
“属于”-belong to
处理”-deal with
第2个回答  2008-11-06
so far 到目前为止

实现 achieve, implement, realize, bring about, comply

在晚会上 at the party

daily English 日常英语

so ..... as to 如此——以至于

understand, come to understand, find out, grasp, comprehend 了解

as .... as ...... 像——一样

In the past 15 years 在近十五年

belong, appertain, pertain, be part of something, be classified 属于

make certain button down to understand 弄清楚

handle, treat, deal with, process 处理

extinguish go out die out 熄灭

not ..... until 直到——才

To look inside 向里面看
第3个回答  2008-11-06
so far/realise/at the evening party/daily English/so..that../inquire into/as if/in the resent 50 years/belong to/find out/deal with/put out/not until/look into
第4个回答  2008-11-06
so far,to achieve,in the evening,day-to-day English,so-----that,under-stabd,as-----the same,In the past 15 years,belong,clear,deal with,out,know-----it-----,to lock inside



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