
关于居里夫人の英语文章 急用 明天交作业的~~~

Madame Curie
place of birth: Poland
studies the experience: In 1891 went study in University of Paris
work achievement: In 1898, altogether studied with husband Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive substance (radioactive matter) - - polonium and radium
in 1903, curie husband and wife won the Nobel Prize for Physics (the Nobel Prize for Physics)
in 1911, Madame Curie wins the Nobel chemistry prize once again, became in the history first two times to win the Nobel prize the scientist
personal character characteristic: Studies diligently, the life is simple, on the scientific path the fear difficult, does not dare to explore 居里夫人(Marie Curie)
工作成就:1898年,与丈夫Pierre Curie 共研究发现两种放射性物质(radioactive matter)——polonium和radium
1903年,居里夫妇获得诺贝尔物理奖(the Nobel Prize for Physics)
品德特征:学习勤奋,生活朴素,在科学道路上不畏艰难、勇于探索 希望你能采纳我的答案,谢谢!~
第1个回答  2014-01-24
Madame Curie
place of birth: Poland
studies the experience: In 1891 went study in University of Paris
work achievement: In 1898, altogether studied with husband Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive substance (radioactive matter) - - polonium and radium
in 1903, curie husband and wife won the Nobel Prize for Physics (the Nobel Prize for Physics)
in 1911, Madame Curie wins the Nobel chemistry prize once again, became in the history first two times to win the Nobel prize the scientist
personal character characteristic: Studies diligently, the life is simple, on the scientific path the fear difficult, does not dare to explore




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