


A:Excuse me, are you Sara Willson? 您好,请问你是Sara Willson吗?

B:Yes, I am. You must be Tom. Nice to meet you.是的,你是Tom吧,很高兴认识你。

A: Hi, Tom! Where are you from?你从哪儿来?

B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?

A: I'm from Canada. What do you often do in your spare time?我来自加拿大。你空闲时间经常做什么?

B:I spend a lot of time watching movies.很多时候我都在看电影.

A:Well, I like watching films too. But now I’ m going to library.我也喜欢看电影,但我现在要去图书馆了

B:I donot known where is the library. By the way, can you show me the way?我还不知道图书馆在哪呢,你能带起去么?

A:Sure, you can go with me, I will take you there. 好的呀,你可以跟我一起去。

B:Are you go there for our homework? I have finished it. Maybe I can give you some advice.你是为了今天的家庭作业吗?我做好了,也许能给你一点建议

A:Well, It is so nice of you. But today I have another thing, so I donot have much time. What about this Saturday? 你人真好,但我今天还有其他事,时间不够。下周六怎么样?

B: OK! Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?

A: What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?

B: No problem. See you there!没问题!到时候见!

A: See you!到时候见!



B: Hello! 你好!

A: Nice to meet you ! 见到你真高兴!

B: Nice to meet you too!见到你真高兴!

A: Where are you from?你从哪儿来?

B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?

A: I'm from Canada. What do you often do in your spare time?我来自加拿大。你空闲时间经常做什么?

B: I like playing basketball, so I often play it. And you?我喜欢打篮球,所以我经常打。 你呢?

A: I prefer swimming. I think swimming is good for our health.我更喜欢游泳。我认为游泳对身体很有好处。

B: Yes, I agree with you. I like swimming too.是的,我非常同意。我也喜欢游泳。

A: Wow, shall we go swimming together some day?哇!我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗?

B: Of course! I can't wait. When shall we go?当然!我都等不及了。我们什么时候可以去?

A: What about next Saturday? 下周六怎么样?

B: That sounds great! Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?

A: What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?

B: No problem. See you there!没问题!到时候见!

A: See you!到时候见!

B: You can call me anytime you want!你可以随时给我打电话!

A: I see. I will send you a text message on that day.明白。 那天我会提前给你发短信的。











大部分目前还无法出国或者找外教学习英语,而传统英语角在时间、地点、形式上的局限,限制了一部分人学习英语的热情。 为提高英语口语的练习,可以试试电话英语角、网络英语角等形式的练习平台。



第1个回答  2017-10-24
1. Marry: Hi, do you know
where is the cafeteria? (你好,你知道学校餐厅在哪儿吗)
Amy: I go there too. Why not go with me? (我也去那里,我们一起去吧)
2. Marry: Sounds great! By the way, my name is Marry. I am freshman so I am not familiar with the campus. (太好了,我叫marry,我是大一新生所以我不太清楚校园)
Amy: My name is Amy. Nice to meet you. I am freshman as well. But I came here yesterday and I explored the campus this morning. (我叫amy,很高兴认识你。我也是大一新生,但是我昨天就来了,我今天早晨逛了一下校园)
3. Marry: Nice to meet you too. Have you been to gym? How is that? (很高兴认识你, 你去过体育馆了吗,那里怎么样)
Amy: Yes, I have. The gym looks so great. It provides various sports like basketball, rackets, badminton, climbing, swimming and so on. (我去过了,体育馆有很多运动,有篮球,壁球,羽毛球,登岩,游泳馆还有好多)
4. Marry: Great, I like sports. I already chose a yoga class this semester. It will start next Monday. I cannot wait for it. What is your major? (太棒了,我喜欢运动。我选了一节瑜伽课这个学期。下周一就开课了。我好期待。你是什么专业啊?)
Amy: My major is Finance. But I heard that Finance is so hard and has many difficult classes to pass. I am considering changing it. (我的专业是金融。到那时我听说金融很难而其有一些课程很难过,我在考虑要不要换)
5. Marry: I can’t agree more. I chose one basic financial class when I was at high school. I could barely pass it. (我十分同意,高中时,我选了一节基础金融课,我差点挂掉)
Amy: ohm! But I have confidence with number question. I will see. So what is you major? (真的吗?但是我对做数字问题很有信心。我再看看吧 所以你的专业是什么?)
6. Marry: My major is marketing. I like organizing activities and doing presentation. (我的专业是市场管理,我很喜欢做展示和组织活动)
Amy: Good for you. They have an orientation at football court tonight. Will you go with me? (很适合你。今天晚上足球场有迎新会,你和我一起去吗?
7. Marry: Yes, I’d love to go. But do you know where I can rent a refrigerator and microwave? I want to tidy and decorate my dormitory room this afternoon. (当然。你知道哪里可以租到冰箱和微波炉吗,我想今天下午把宿舍整理好)
Amy: Well, I don’t know. Lets’ask RA after lunch. (哦,我不太清楚。我们吃过中饭后问问宿舍管理员把)
8. Marry: Ok. How’s the food in cafeteria? (好的, 学校餐厅的食物怎么样)
Amy: will, it pretty much includes everything. They have various stations like pizza, sandwich, dessert, Mongolian, salad and beverage. They also have main dishes which are different every day. I believe they have chicken nuggets and cheese burgers as main dishes today. (很好基本包含了所有食物。有pizza,三明治,甜点,蒙古菜,沙拉和饮料。他们还有各种各样的主食,每天都不一样。我记得今天是鸡块和汉堡)
9. Marry: Wow, I love hamburgers. And I am starving. (太好了我喜欢汉堡。我太饿了)
Amy: we are almost there. Do you get your student ID card? We have to swipe our cards as entrance paid. (我们马上就到了,你拿到你的学生卡了吗 学校餐厅要刷卡)
10. Marry: well, I haven’t got it. (我还没拿到哎)
Amy: Let’s go get one for you first. (走,我们去给你办卡)
第2个回答  2017-10-12

a Hi (hand waving to another student.)
b Hi.

a I noticed that we were in the same class.
b Me too.

a Nice to meet you!
b Nice to meet you too!
(hands shaking)

a I am Mary Lee, from Shanghai. Where are you from?
b I am from Beijing, my name is James Lin.

a Is this your first time to Nanjing?
b Yes, It is. Nanjing impresses me a lot. We are so luck to have a chance to study here and have enough time to explore this beautiful city.

a Sure! I have been here once with my parents before, but it changed a lot since then.
b Really? Can you tell me more? I am quite interested in it.

a Yes, I'd love to. But I am hurry to the next class. Let's talk about it later.
b. Ok. See you later.
第3个回答  2017-11-24
A: 同学您好,很高兴认识你,我叫小明,来自黑龙江,是今年的新生,是英语系的。你是哪个系的?
B: 我是电气工程系的。我也是今年的新生。我来自北京,很高兴认识你。
A: 很高兴认识你,哈哈,北京是我们的首都,有好多好玩的地方啊。可惜我们去过。
B: 是的,还有很多的小吃。在前门大街上有很多的百年老店。
A:哦, 我挺喜欢打篮球的,你喜欢吗?有时间我找你打篮球啊
A: hello, nice to meet you. My name is xiao Ming. I'm from heilongjiang province. I'm A new student of this year.What department are you in?

B: I'm from electrical engineering.I am a new student this year.I'm from Beijing. Nice to meet you.

A: nice to meet you, haha. Beijing is our capital. There are so many interesting places.Unfortunately we've been there.

B: yes, Beijing, the Forbidden City, tian 'anmen, the Great Wall, the temple of heaven has a chance to go.However, heilongjiang is also good, winter can see ice sculpture.Look at the beautiful snow.

A: yes, the winter in heilongjiang is absolutely cold. You can freeze your nose.Just kidding.Besides the beautiful scenery of heilongjiang, we are rich in goods.From the previous great north to the present.

B: yes, I like your food very much.Like the harleicus.

A: but Beijing roast duck is also famous around the world.

B: yes, there are many snacks.There are many hundred years old shops on qianmen street.

A: by the way, your college is in that place.

B: the little red building on the far left is our college building.We're having a class there, and we're working on that.

A: oh, I like playing basketball. Do you like it?I have time to find you to play basketball

B: I like sports too, not only playing basketball, but also playing football. I like playing badminton.Welcome to play basketball together.

A: ok!Besides, is there any club in our school?

B: there are many, such as literature club, chess club, debate team, basketball team, football team, dance team, very much, what club do you want to join?

A: I like sports, but of course I want to join the football team or the basketball team.

B: ok, I've joined the basketball team. Welcome to join us.

A: ok, let's fight together.

B: well, it's getting late. I have classes this afternoon. Bye!

A: see you! You'll have A chance to play ball with you!

B: ok, bye!
第4个回答  2017-11-21
JAKE: Hi! My name is Jake. We haven't met before, have we?
DEBBIE: No, we haven't! My name is Debbie.
JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie!
DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake.
JAKE: Are you a new student?
DEBBIE: Yes, I am. What about you?
JAKE: Yeah, me too!
JAKE: What're you studying here?
DEBBIE: Journalism. I want to be a journalist. What about you?
JAKE: I'm doing law. But I'm thinking of doing business studies instead.
DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change?



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