


哇,楼主太厉害了,竟然如此方法支持小法,恩学会了,虽然我不懂足球,不过我有认真去网上查了一下小法,恩,长得还行,不要pia 我……

01 他球踢的好
He plays football quite well.
02 他长的又帅
He is handsome.
03 他的眼睛很深邃很黑很清澈,仿佛能把人吸进去
?With deep dark and clear eyes, it is likely to absorb you in.
04 他的气质很高贵
There is something noble about him.
05 他皮肤很好
His skin is smooth.
06 没胡子的时候很“正太”
He is quite shota without beard.
07 有胡子的时候很“大叔”
He is quite man with beard.
08 他总是不经意的抿嘴或舔嘴唇
He always smiles and licks his lips unconsciously.
09 他穿正装很帅
He is handsome in uniform.
10 他穿休闲服也很帅
He is also handsome when wears casual clothes.
11 他有治愈系的笑容
His smile can comfort your heart.
12 他很有品味
He looks tasteful.
13 他很可爱
He is lovely.
14 他偶尔会很呆
Sometimes he seems to be in a trance.
15 他经常干很囧的事情(不然为毛我们都叫他法囧)
?He usually done something astonished. ()
16 他也会有坏坏的发脾气的时候,但绝对是个爷们
Sometimes he has a bad temper, but behaves totally as a man.
17 他开心的时候很抽风
He is crazy when happy.
18 他有时候很腹黑
?Sometimes he doesn’t do as it appears.
19 他的英语带着怪怪的加泰罗尼亚腔(我雅思听力8居然听得一知半解==)
?His English accent sounds strange with a little Catalonian accent mixed.
20 但是说的非常流利(对此表示羡慕ing)
But he speaks so fluently. (I’m so envy for this.)
21 他是一个天才
He is a genius.
22 但他没有浪费自己的天才,反而更加上进
But he doesn’t waste his genius ability, instead he works hard.
23 他身为富二代,却很低调
As an affluent 2nd generation, he always tries to keep a low profile.
24 他很坚强
He has a strong heart.
25 他很聪明
He is quite smart.
26 他很善良
He is kindhearted.
27 他很执着
He has a strong mind.
28 他很自信
He is quite confidence.
29 他很谦逊
He is very humble.
30 他很率性
? He does things without more thinking.
31 他很努力
He works hard.
32 思想很成熟
He has a mature mind.
33 感情很专一
He is a man with the single-minded emotion.
34 他跟好友私底下闹起来是个孩子
In privately, he plays with his friends just like a kid.
35 他跟队友在赛场是个坚强的男人
In the competition with teammates, he is a strong man
36 他作为一个年轻球员,他潜力无限
As a young football player, his potentiality is limitless.
37 他总是认真对待每一场比赛,每一个机会
He always treats every competition and every chance seriously.
38 他一直在进步
He makes progress all the time.
39 他曾经单薄的肩膀竟撑起那么大的重量
He ever supported so much weigh with his thinner shoulder.
40 他以实力证明了自己
He proves himself by strength.
41 他以实力证实了教授的眼光
His strength says the professor is right.
42 他是史上最年轻的阿森纳队长
He is the youngest captain of the Arsenal。
43 他支撑着阿森纳
He supports the Arsenal.
44 他明明脚受伤却用尽全力罚进点球,之后一瘸一拐撑完比赛。(我就是这场比赛彻底喜欢上小法的,作为一个巴萨球迷,这是唯一一场我不希望巴萨赢的比赛)
?he tried his best to score the penalty kick even though there was an apparent hurt in his feet. Then he walked with a limp till the end. (It was after this competition that I completely love him. And as a fun of Fabregas, it was the only match I didn’t want him to win. )
45 他不计较功名利益
Fame and money means nothing to him.
46 他懂得顾全大局
? He knows that it is important to take the interests of the whole into account.
47 他从不会因无法首发而不满或者遗憾
? He never complains or regrets when unable to be the first to kick off.
48 但是只要上场他一定有惊艳的表现
But as long as he enters the field, there must be an astonished performance.
49 西班牙第一个世界杯冠军的决赛唯一的制胜球是来自他的助攻
In The first time Spanish won the World Cup, the only winning goal comes from his assists.
50 06年世界杯西班牙淘汰时他哭的眼睛红肿
He cried with all eyes red and swollen when Spanish was eliminated in the 2006 World Cup.
51 10年世界杯西班牙夺冠时他笑的见牙不见眼
? He laughed so happily that you can’t even see his eyes when Spanish won the World Cup in 2010.
52 他在球场上让很多不可能变为可能
In the competition he made so many impossibly things into possible things.
53 他在足坛上写下了不可磨灭的历史
He creates an indelible history in the football world.
54 他可以给出完美的传球助攻
He can give the perfect assistant pass.
55 他可以给出漂亮的绝杀破门
He can give the perfect last-gasp goal.
56 他既有力量和血性
? He has strength, courage and uprightness.
57 他也有细腻和灵巧
He is also sensitive and flexible.
58 他很低调朴实
? He is low keyed and ordinary.
59 却也璀璨华丽
However he is also gorgeous.
60 他像太阳一样可以温暖周围的人
He appears to be the sun that can warm the surroundings.
61 也像月亮一样可以点亮漆黑的夜
He also appears to be the moon that can light up the dark nights.
62 他的第一个家乡巴塞罗那的阳光像他绽放的笑容一样时刻保持灿烂
He always keeps the big smiles in his face just like the sunshine in his first hometown, Barcelona。
63 他的第二个家乡伦敦的雨像他挥洒的汗水一样能感染心里每个角落
In common with the rain in his second hometown, London, his perspirations always move every corner of the heart.
64 他爱西班牙,那里抚育了他,是他发光的起点
He loves Spanish,who brings him up, which is the beginning of his success.
65 他爱英国伦敦, 那里让他成长,让他更加璀璨夺目
He loves London. It is there that he grows up. It is there that he becomes more brilliant.
66 他爱巴塞罗那,那里有他爱的亲朋好友们
He loves Barcelona,where he has a lot of fiends and relatives that all he loved.
67 他爱阿森纳,那里有他爱的队友们和教授
He loves Arsenal,where he has teammates and professors that all he loved.
68 他总喜欢跟皮少佩西等人黏在一起JQ不断
He likes to stay with the childes such as Peter and Patsy continuously making a lot of joy.
69 他的帅气不只是外表
He is handsome not only in appearance.
70 那是像天使一般纯净的帅气
That is a pure quality just like an angle.
71 球场上的他带着球飞驰就像一阵风,掠过绿茵,掠过对手,掠过每个人的眼睛,牵动每个人的心
? In the field his playing flies like the wind over the grassland, over the rival, over every eye, which affects everyone’s mind.
72 但他不是风一样的人,不会只是一闪而过不留痕迹,因为他心中有责任有目标,还有对足球和球迷的爱
But he is not a wind of a man, only to be flashing a second without any marks. Because he has the responsibilities and the goals in his mind as well as the love to the football and his funs.
73 他自我的活在当下
? He lives freely in present.
74 他认真的计划未来
He makes plans about his future seriously.
75 他没有不良记录,总让人很安心很放心
He has none spotless record. He always makes people ease.
76 那么多那么多的人喜欢他爱他支持他
There are so many so many people love him and support him.
77 他的法蜜们都很有爱很团结
? His French funs are all loving him and to be a united one
78 他有属于自己的骄傲
He has his own pride.
79 他也是我们的骄傲
He is also our pride.

80 因为他是这个世界上,独一无二的
Francesc Fàbregas
And the last reason we like him, the most important one is:
because he is the unique Francesc Fàbregas in the world.
Our love.
第1个回答  2010-09-29
01 他球踢的好
02 他长的又帅
03 他的眼睛很深邃很黑很清澈,仿佛能把人吸进去
04 他的气质很高贵
05 他皮肤很好
06 没胡子的时候很“正太”
07 有胡子的时候很“大叔”
08 他总是不经意的抿嘴或舔嘴唇
09 他穿正装很帅
10 他穿休闲服也很帅
11 他有治愈系的笑容
12 他很有品味
13 他很可爱
14 他偶尔会很呆
15 他经常干很囧的事情(不然为毛我们都叫他法囧)
16 他也会有坏坏的发脾气的时候,但绝对是个爷们
17 他开心的时候很抽风
18 他有时候很腹黑
19 他的英语带着怪怪的加泰罗尼亚腔(我雅思听力8居然听得一知半解==)
20 但是说的非常流利(对此表示羡慕ing)
21 他是一个天才
22 但他没有浪费自己的天才,反而更加上进
23 他身为富二代,却很低调
24 他很坚强
25 他很聪明
26 他很善良
27 他很执着
28 他很自信
29 他很谦逊
30 他很率性
31 他很努力
32 思想很成熟
33 感情很专一
34 他跟好友私底下闹起来是个孩子
35 他跟队友在赛场是个坚强的男人
36 他作为一个年轻球员,他潜力无限
37 他总是认真对待每一场比赛,每一个机会
38 他一直在进步
39 他曾经单薄的肩膀竟撑起那么大的重量
40 他以实力证明了自己
41 他以实力证实了教授的眼光
42 他是史上最年轻的阿森纳队长
43 他支撑着阿森纳
44 他明明脚受伤却用尽全力罚进点球,之后一瘸一拐撑完比赛。(我就是这场比赛彻底喜欢上小法的,作为一个巴萨球迷,这是唯一一场我不希望巴萨赢的比赛)
45 他不计较功名利益
46 他懂得顾全大局
47 他从不会因无法首发而不满或者遗憾
48 但是只要上场他一定有惊艳的表现
49 西班牙第一个世界杯冠军的决赛唯一的制胜球是来自他的助攻
50 06年世界杯西班牙淘汰时他哭的眼睛红肿
51 10年世界杯西班牙夺冠时他笑的见牙不见眼
52 他在球场上让很多不可能变为可能
53 他在足坛上写下了不可磨灭的历史
54 他可以给出完美的传球助攻
55 他可以给出漂亮的绝杀破门
56 他既有力量和血性
57 他也有细腻和灵巧
58 他很低调朴实
59 却也璀璨华丽
60 他像太阳一样可以温暖周围的人
61 也像月亮一样可以点亮漆黑的夜
62 他的第一个家乡巴塞罗那的阳光像他绽放的笑容一样时刻保持灿烂
63 他的第二个家乡伦敦的雨像他挥洒的汗水一样能感染心里每个角落
64 他爱西班牙,那里抚育了他,是他发光的起点
65 他爱英国伦敦, 那里让他成长,让他更加璀璨夺目
66 他爱巴塞罗那,那里有他爱的亲朋好友们
67 他爱阿森纳,那里有他爱的队友们和教授
68 他总喜欢跟皮少佩西等人黏在一起JQ不断
69 他的帅气不只是外表
70 那是像天使一般纯净的帅气
71 球场上的他带着球飞驰就像一阵风,掠过绿茵,掠过对手,掠过每个人的眼睛,牵动每个人的心
72 但他不是风一样的人,不会只是一闪而过不留痕迹,因为他心中有责任有目标,还有对足球和球迷的爱
73 他自我的活在当下
74 他认真的计划未来
75 他没有不良记录,总让人很安心很放心
76 那么多那么多的人喜欢他爱他支持他
77 他的法蜜们都很有爱很团结
78 他有属于自己的骄傲
79 他也是我们的骄傲

80 因为他是这个世界上,独一无二的
Francesc Fàbregas
He passed the ball a good 01
02 of his long and handsome
03 His eyes are deep and very clear, very dark, as if it can help people sucked
His temperament is very noble 04
05 his skin good
06 no beard when it "is too"
07 has a beard, when it "Uncle"
08 He always inadvertently Minzui or lick their lips
He was wearing handsome suits 09
10 He was wearing casual clothes is also very handsome
11 Department of smile he has cured
12 he is very taste
13 He is very cute
Occasionally, he would be staying 14
15 He often very embarrassing thing (otherwise the hair we call him Law 囧)
16 He will have nasty things in anger, but it is definitely a man
17, when he was very happy ventilation
18 Sometimes he is black belly
19, with his strange Catalan English cavity (I actually heard little knowledge IELTS Listening == 8)
But that's a very fluent 20 (expressed envy ing)
21 He is a genius
22 But he did not waste his talent, but more motivated
23 he, as second-generation rich, very low-key
24 He is very strong
He is very smart 25
He was very good, 26
He was very persistent 27
He was confident of 28
29 He was humble
30 he was being reckless
He worked very hard 31
32 very mature thinking
33 very specific feelings
34 He told friends it was a child in private trouble
35 he and his teammates on the court is a strong man
36 him as a young player, he has unlimited potential
37 He always treat every game, every opportunity
He has been in progress 38
He has thin shoulder 39 actually hold up the weight of so much
40 He proved his strength
41 confirmed the strength of his vision of Professor
42 He is the youngest ever Arsenal captain
He supports Arsenal 43
44 foot injury but he was clearly exhausted all its efforts into the penalty kick, after limping support end game. (I am completely in love with this game is a small law, as a Barca fan, this is the only game that I do not want Barcelona to win the game)
He does not care about fame and interests 45
46 He knows the overall situation
47 He will not be satisfied or not regret starting the
48 But as long as he must have played amazing performance
49, first World Cup champion Spain, the only winning the final ball of his assists came from
5006 World Cup in Spain when he cried out eyes red and swollen
5110 World Cup in Spain when he won the laughing eyes see the tooth but not
52 on the pitch so much that he can not become possible
53 He wrote the indelible in football history
54 he can give the perfect pass assists
55 He can give a beautiful break lore
He is powerful and bloody 56
57 He also has delicate and smart
58 He was low key and simple
59 gorgeous but also bright
60 he was like the sun can warm the people around
61 also like the moon can light up the dark night
62 Barcelona, his first home of the sun, like a smile as he keep blooming brilliant
63 his second home in London rain, like perspiration as he can infect every corner of my heart
64 He loves Spain, where his upbringing, is the starting point of his light
65 He loves London, where let him grow, let him be more bright
66 He loved Barcelona, where his friends and family who love
67 He loves Arsenal, where his teammates and professors love
He always likes to skin 68 less Pacey, who continue to stick together JQ
69 is not just his handsome appearance
70 It was like an angel handsome pure
71 with the ball on the pitch he speeding like the wind, passing green, passing opponents, passing each person's eyes, affecting each person's heart
But he is not like the wind 72 people, not just fleeting without leaving any traces, because he has the responsibility to have goals in mind, there is the love of football and the fans
73 live in the moment he self-
74 His careful plan for the future
75 He did not bad record, leads people to feel safe is at ease
76 so many people like him so much love him to support his
Act 77 of his honey are both the unity of love
78 He has the pride of their own
He is also proud of our 79

Finally, like his most important reasons:
80 because he is this world, the unique
Francesc Fàbregas
Our love
第2个回答  2010-10-01
01 He passed the ball a good
02 of his long and handsome
03 His eyes are deep and very clear, very dark, as if it can help people sucked
04 His temperament is very noble
05 his skin good
06 no beard when it "is too"
07 when a beard was "Uncle"
08 He always inadvertently Minzui or lick their lips
09 He was wearing handsome suits
10 He was wearing casual clothes is also very handsome
11 Department of smile he has cured
12 he is very taste
13 He is very cute
14 Occasionally, he would be staying
15 He often very embarrassing thing (otherwise the hair we call him Law )
16 He will have nasty things in anger, but it is definitely a man
17 when he was very happy ventilation
18 Sometimes he is black belly
19 with his strange Catalan English cavity (I actually heard little knowledge IELTS Listening == 8)
20 But that's a very fluent (expressed envy ing)
21 He is a genius
22 But he did not waste his talent, but more motivated
23 he, as second-generation rich, very low-key
24 He is very strong
25 He is very smart
26 He was very good
27 He was very persistent
28 He was confident of
29 He was humble
30 he was being reckless
31 He worked very hard
32 very mature thinking
33 very specific feelings
34 He told friends it was a child in private trouble
35 he and his teammates on the court is a strong man
36 him as a young player, he has unlimited potential
37 He always treat every game, every opportunity
38 He has been in progress
39 He was thin shoulders hold up so much weight actually
40 He proved his strength
41 confirmed the strength of his vision of Professor
42 He is the youngest ever Arsenal captain
43 He supports Arsenal
44 foot injury but he was clearly exhausted all its efforts into the penalty kick, after limping support end game. (I am completely in love with this game is a small law, as a Barca fan, this is the only game that I do not want Barcelona to win the game)
45 He does not care about fame and interests
46 He knows the overall situation
47 He will not be satisfied or not regret starting the
48 But as long as he must have played amazing performance
49, first World Cup champion Spain, the only winning the final ball of his assists came from
50 06 World Cup in Spain when he cried out eyes red and swollen
51 10 World Cup in Spain when he won the laughing eyes see the tooth but not
52 on the pitch so much that he can not become possible
53 He wrote the indelible in football history
54 he can give the perfect pass assists
55 He can give a beautiful break lore
He is powerful and bloody 56
57 He also has delicate and smart
58 He was low key and simple
59 gorgeous but also bright
60 he was like the sun can warm the people around
61 also like the moon can light up the dark night
62 Barcelona, his first home of the sun, like a smile as he keep blooming brilliant
63 his second home in London rain, like perspiration as he can infect every corner of my heart
64 He loves Spain, where his upbringing, is the starting point of his light
65 He loves London, where let him grow, let him be more bright
66 He loved Barcelona, where his friends and family who love
67 He loves Arsenal, where his teammates and professors love
68 He always likes to stick the skin with less Pacey, who constantly JQ
69 is not just his handsome appearance
70 It was like an angel handsome pure
71 with the ball on the pitch he speeding like the wind, passing green, passing opponents, passing each person's eyes, affecting each person's heart
But he is not like the wind
72 people, not just fleeting without leaving any traces, because he has the responsibility to have goals in mind, there is the love of football and the fans
73 live in the moment he self-
74 His careful plan for the future
75 He did not bad record, leads people to feel safe is at ease
76 so many people like him so much love him to support his
77 of his honey have a great love of the unity of their
78 He has the pride of their own
79 He is also proud of our

Finally, like his most important reasons:
80 because he is this world, the unique
Francesc Fàbregas
Our love
第3个回答  2010-10-01
He kicked the ball in 2001
02 his long handsome
03 his eyes are very deep dark, as is clear that sucked in
He's very noble temperament of 2004
05 his skin is very good
6 don't beard when wanting ","
07 beard is "uncle"
08 he always expect stiff or lick their lips
09 his dress up very handsome
He is very handsome wear casual clothes
11 he cure is smile
He is very tasty
He is very lovely
He occasionally very dull
He often do something (otherwise considered very hairy we call choice for parents.it
He will also have the ocean's temper, but nobody is absolutely
17 he happy very convulsions
18 he sometimes very abdomen black
His English with a strange Catalan cavity (my ielts listening and incredibly hear smatters = =)
20 but say very fluent expressed envy (ing)
He is a genius
But he didn't waste of talent, but more ambitious
23 and he as rich dmc2, but very low-key
He is very strong
He is very clever
26 he is good
27 and he is very persistent
28 and he is very confident
He is very modest
He is very spontaneously and effortlessly
31 and he is very hard
32 thought very mature
33 feeling very loyal
And his friends privately with violent a child
His teammates in 35 with a strong man
He is a young player, he as potential
He always treat each game, every opportunity
38 and he has been in progress
39 he had thin shoulder hold so big that the weight
He proved himself with strength
41 in his strength confirmed the professor
He is the youngest ever Arsenal captain
43 he supported Arsenal
And he was stretching feet hurt, scored a penalty after limping finish the race. (I was completely like little game, as a Barcelona fans, this is the only one I don't want Barcelona won the game),
He doesn't care attracting interest
46 he knows wagging the dog
He never because can't start and dissatisfaction or regret
48 but he must have played the jing
Spain's first World Cup champion, 49 of the final winner is from his assists
50 in the 2006 World Cup in Spain when he cried out the eye irritation
51 10 years when he won the World Cup in Spain saw teeth missing eyes laughing
52 he makes many impossible possible
He wrote in football history of indelible
He can give perfect passing assists
He can give beautiful juesha
56 his strength and bleeding
He also has exquisite and clever
58 he very low-key guileless
59 but also luxuriant bright
He like the sun can warm surroundings of the person
61 also like the moon can light dark night
62 his first home Barcelona sunshine smiles as he blossom as the time
63 his second home in the rain like him in London as the sweat in every corner of the heart to infection
64 he love his Spanish, there is the cradle of light, he begins
He love London, where he grew up, let him make more dazzing
He loves Barcelona, there he love relatives and friends
67 he loves Arsenal, there he loved his teammates and professors
He always likes to 68 with skin less Percy JQ together as one
69 he's handsome appearance, not only
70 it is angelic purity of handsome
71 on the pitch he took the ball speed as a gust of wind, its green, over rival, over everyone's eyes, affects the heart of everybody
72 but he is not the same person, not just a trace, because he has the responsibility to have goals, and the love of football and the fans
He live in the present moment of self
He carefully and plan for the future
He didn't record, 75 always lets a person very relieved very relieved
76 so much like his love for his support him
77 his law fans are love is unity
78 he has his own proud
He is proud of our 79

Finally, like one of his most important reason:
80 because he is the world, unique
Francesc Fabregas
We love
第4个回答  2010-09-27
01.He does well in football
02.He is handsome
03.His eyes are deep dark but very clear as if they can suck you in
04.His temperament is noble
05.He has a smooth skin
06.He looks very decent without beard
07.He is very man when bearded
08.He always compress or lick his lips casually
09.He looks very smart in his suit
10.He is also very handsome when dressed in casual clothing
11.His smile can cure any of your hurt
12.He is delectable
13.He is very lovely
14.Occasionally he is very silly
15.He often does very degrading things (or else we all call him fajiong)
16.He sometimes will lost his temper but he is absolutely a hombre
17.He is so goosy when he is happy
18.He is sometimes black-hearted
19.He speaks English with a catalonia accent(I only catch the Ielts listening 8 sciolisticly)
20.But he speaks very smoothly
21.He is a genius
22.But he didn't waste his talent and more forward-looking
23.He is very rich but very low-profile
24.He is awfully robust
25.He is clever
26.He is kind-hearted
27.He is clinging
28.He is confident
29.He is modest
30.He is also very blunt
31 He worked very hard
32 very mature thinking
33 very specific feelings
34 He told friends it was a child in private trouble
35 he and his teammates on the court is a strong man
36 him as a young player, he has unlimited potential
37 He always treat every game, every opportunity
38 He has been in progress
39 He was thin shoulders hold up so much weight actually
40 He proved his strength
41 confirmed the strength of his vision of Professor
42 He is the youngest ever Arsenal captain
43 He supports Arsenal
44 foot injury but he was clearly exhausted all its efforts into the penalty kick, after limping support end game. (I am completely in love with this game is a small law, as a Barca fan, this is the only game that I do not want Barcelona to win the game)
45 He does not care about fame and interests
46 He knows the overall situation
47 He will not be satisfied or not regret starting the
48 But as long as he must have played amazing performance
49, first World Cup champion Spain, the only winning the final ball of his assists came from
50 at 06s, World Cup in Spain when he cried out eyes red and swollen
51 10 years of World Cup in Spain when he won the laughing eyes see the tooth but not
52 on the pitch so much that he can not become possible
53 He wrote the indelible in football history
54 he can give the perfect pass assists
55 He can give a beautiful break lore
He is powerful and bloody 56
57 He also has delicate and smart
58 He was low key and simple
59 gorgeous but also bright
60 he was like the sun can warm the people around
61 also like the moon can light up the dark night
62 Barcelona, his first home of the sun, like a smile as he keep blooming brilliant
63 his second home in London rain, like perspiration as he can infect every corner of my heart
64 He loves Spain, where his upbringing, is the starting point of his light
65 He loves London, where let him grow, let him be more bright
66 He loved Barcelona, where his friends and family who love
67 He loves Arsenal, where his teammates and professors love
He always likes to skin 68 less Pacey, who continue to stick together JQ
69 is not just his handsome appearance
70 It was like an angel handsome pure
71 with the ball on the pitch he speeding like the wind, passing green, passing opponents, passing each person's eyes, affecting each person's heart
But he is not like the wind 72 people, not just fleeting without leaving any traces, because he has the responsibility to have goals in mind, there is the love of football and the fans
73 live in the moment he self-
74 His careful plan for the future
75 He did not bad record, leads people to feel safe is at ease
76 so many people like him so much love him to support his
Act 77 of his honey are both the unity of love
78 He has the pride of their own
79 He is also proud of our

Finally, like his most important reasons:
80 because he is this world, the unique
Francesc Fàbregas
Our love



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