



We can see such signs as “No Smoking” in some public places, which is a kind of measure taken to ban smoking in public places. However, concerning about this measures, different people hold divergent opinions. The smokers protest against that it is a kind of action to deprive of their free right, while the non-smokers are in favor of banning smoking in public places.


In my opinion, I am inclined to support the latter one—smoking should be banned in public places. There are reasons accounting for my point. For one thing, people will be harmed by the second-hand smoking if someone smokes in public places, especially the infants and children.


For another, banning smoking in public places is also beneficial to the smokers. If they are banned to smoke in public places, they will restrain themselves from smoking and smoke less. In the meantime, it is a contribution to reduce the air pollution.


Therefore, I advocate that smoking in public places should be banned so that we can breathe the fresh air and suffer less from the second-hand smoking. Let’s work together to create and sustain out green and fresh environment.


第1个回答  2016-01-13
It’s well known that smoking is bad for our health. It does much harm to our lung. Smoking too much is very easy to get cancer, which is very terrible. Besides, smoking also do harm to people’s teeth. Those people always smoke will demage their teeth and their teeth are always yellow. That makes others feel sick. The last but not least, the people smoke the passive smoking are tend to get sick. They have do nothing wrong,but stand beside those smoking people. It’s unfair. So, in order to the health of everyone, please stop smoking.
第2个回答  2016-01-13
notice First I represent museum welcome, and especially foreign friends to enjoy our museum. We are honored. We'll let you have the feeling of being at home. In order to make the museum is more comfortable. Hope everybody to cooperate. The following a few, First, smoking is prohibited. The second keep quiet, prohibited noise. Third, keep the health Fourth, prohibit taking pictures Fifth, if you want to know the details, please consult the tour guide. Sixth, don't touch the exhibits, the damage the exhibits. Hope you keep this article a few.本回答被网友采纳



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