
个体名词表示某类人或事物中的个体。集合名词表示同类的人或事物的集合体。 请问为什么 conductor(售票员)saleman(售货员)是个体名词呢?我觉得它们可以认为是同类的人的集合体,这样就可以认为是集合名词了。还有apartment(公寓)和supermarket(超市)也是个体名词,但是根据集合名词的概念它俩也可以看做是同类事物的集合体,为什么就不属于集合名词呢?请用自己的话回答一下,谢谢啦!! 另外请讲讲怎样简单容易的区分个体名词和集合名词~~谢谢~应为没有财富值了,所以给不了了,实在不好意思啊~~

个体名词和集体名词都可以用数目来计算,属于可数名词(Countable Nouns)。即能与“a/an, two…, few, many, several, these, those”等表示可数性限定词连用的名词就称为可数名词。

一、个体名词:(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun, book, pen 等。

1).bag---bags 2).bench---benches 3).piano---pianos
4).country---countries 5).thief---thieves


1). A horse is a useful animal.
2). The horse is a useful animal.
3). horses useful animals.

二、集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体。

1.当“family(家庭), class(班级), group(团体), team(队伍), army(军队), government(政府),
enemy(敌人), club(俱乐部), population(人口), audience(观众), public(民众), nation(政党),


1). Our football team was founded last term. 我们的足球队是上学期成立的。

2). Our football team are having a rest under a tree now. 我们的足球队员正在树下休息。

3). The committee includes members from five countries. 委员会包括来自五个国家的成员。

4). The committee are divided in their opinions. 委员会意见不合。

5). Our government is one for the people. 我们的政府是为民政府。

6). The government are very honest and hard-working. 政府人员都很诚实勤奋。

7). The audience was deeply moved. 观众深受感动。

8). The audience were dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and some in jeans.

9). The family, who live upstairs, are fond of music.

0). His family, which was a large one, was broken up in the war.


2.“mankind(人类), public(公众), crowd(群众), majority(多数), enemy(敌人)”集体名词作主语时,


1). Mankind are intelligent animals. 人类是智力动物。

2). Mankind has been making progress. 人类已经并且正在进步。

3). The public wants to know : why hasn’t anything been done to end the strike?


4). The public are the best judge. 公众是最好的法官。

5). There is (are) a crowd of people in the park. 公园里有一群人。

6). The majority was (were) against it. 大多数人反对它。
3.“people(人们), police(警察), cattle(牛), folk(人们), youth(青年人), personal(全体人员)”


1). People are talking about the news. 人们在谈论这条新闻。

2). The police are after a robber. 警察们在追赶一个强盗。

3). The cattle are eating grass on the side of the hill. 牛群正在山腰吃草。

4). Our youth are all loyal to their motherland. 我们年轻人都忠于祖国。

注:(people, police和 cattle前不能同“a或one”连用)

1). 一个人:不能说成 a people (但可说成 a person);两个人:two persons / two people

2). 一个警察:不能说成 a police (但可说成 a policeman);两个警察:two policemen/ two police

3). 一头牛:不能说成 a cattle (但可说成 a head of cattle);两头牛:two head of cattle

4.“clothing (衣服), equipment (设备), furniture (家具), jewelry (珠宝), luggage (行李) ”等

集体名词本身就只有单数形式:(作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式) (表多个时用“pieces of”)

1). Clothing is as necessary to us as food. 衣和食对我们一样必不可少。

2). Much of her jewelry was missing. 她的很多珠宝都遗失了。

3). Some articles of furniture were lost when we moved. 我们搬家时有几件家具丢失了。

4). I’ve just been informed that my four pieces of luggage have already been arrived.






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