


There is a popular story about lucky money. In ancient times, there is a kind of small demon called "Jiao".

New Year's Eve out to touch the head of a sleeping child, the child often scared to cry, then headache fever, become a fool. Therefore, every family in this day lights sitting up, called "Shou Shusui".


There is a family of two elderly children, as the heart of the baby. On the night of the New Year's Eve, fearing that "evil spirits" would harm the children, they took out eight copper coins to play with the children. 

When the children were tired of playing and fell asleep, they wrapped eight copper coins in red paper and put them under the child's pillow. The couple dared not close their eyes.


In the middle of the night a gust of Yin wind blew open the door, blew out the lights, "Shung" just reached out to touch the child's head, the pillow on the road flash, scared "Shung" ran away.

 The next day, the couple with red paper wrapped in eight copper coins to scare off the "evil" told everyone, after everyone learn to do, the children will be at peace.

第1个回答  2019-01-16




There is still a story about the origin of lucky money during the Spring Festival. 


In Chinese and other East Asian and Southeast Asian societies, a red envelope, red packet, lì xì(Vietnamese), lai see (Cantonese), âng-pau (Hokkien) or hóngbāo (Mandarin) is a monetary gift which is given during holidays or special occasions such as weddings, graduation or the birth of a baby.

在中国和其他东亚和东南亚社会,红包,红包,越南语,lai see(广东话),“(福建话)或hóngbāo(普通话)是节日期间赠送的金钱礼物 或特殊场合,如婚礼,毕业或婴儿出生。

Outside of China, similar customs have been adopted across parts of Southeast Asia and many other countries with a sizable ethnic Chinese population.


In China, the Chinese mobile app WeChat popularized the distribution of WeChat red envelope in 2014 via mobile payments over the internet. This method of distributing red envelopes is now quite popular in the country.

在中国,中国移动应用微信在2014年通过互联网上的移动支付推广了微信红包的发行。 这种分发红包的方法现在在该国非常流行。

第2个回答  2020-02-05

New year's money originated early, but it was really popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In ancient times, there were two kinds of lucky money: special money and common money. 

The special new year's money is a kind of imitation. Its material is copper or iron, its shape is square or long. The money is usually engraved with "good luck", "good fortune and longevity", "long life". 

New year's money, some directly to the younger generation, some are in the younger generation sleep, put their feet or pillow. New year's money is the meaning of blessing. New year's money in folk culture means to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts, and bless peace. 

The original intention of new year's money is to suppress evil and drive away evil spirits. Because people think that children are vulnerable to sneaky attacks, they use new year's money to drive away evil spirits.







第3个回答  2015-11-21
原来八枚铜钱是八仙变的,暗中来保护孩子的.因为“祟” 与“岁”谐音,之后逐渐演变为“压岁钱”.About the gift money,there is a widely circulated story.In ancient times,a demon called "evil spirit",the thirty night of sleeping with his hand to touch the child's head,children are often scared to cry,then headache fever,become a fool.Therefore,every family to sit on this day liangzhaodeng not sleep,called "keep away evil spirits".The couple have a son in old age,as a baby.In thirty years the night,they were afraid of the "evil spirit" to harm children,took eight coins to play with the kids.Children play tired to fall asleep,they put eight coins wrapped in red paper on the child's pillow below,the couple not sleep a wink.In the middle of the night the ghostly wind blowing open the door,blew out the lights," evil spirit" has just reached out to touch the child's head,the pillow will burst with flash,scared" evil spirit" and ran away.The very next day,the couple put eight coins wrapped in red paper scare,"evil spirit" and told everyone,after we learn to do,the children the world is at peace.The original eight coins is 0.08 change,the secret to protect the child.Because the "evil spirit" and "old" homophonic,then gradually evolved into" gift money".本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2015-11-21
there is a story about the origin of the lucky money in chinese spring festival



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