
1.Two angles of an isosceles triangle measure 70°andⅩ°.What is the sum of the three possible values of Ⅹ?
2.Andy and Bethany have a rectangular array of numbers with 40 rows and 75 columns.Andy adds the numbers ineach row.The average of his 40 sums is A.Bethany adds the numbers in each colunm.The average of her 75 sums is B.What is the value of A/B?
3.How many whole numbers between 1 and 1000 do not contain the digit 1?
4.On the last day of school,Mrs.Wonderfui gave jelly beans to her class.She gave each boy as many jelly beans as three were boys in the class.She gave each girl as many jelly beans as there were girls in the class.She brought 400 jelly baens,and when she finished,she had six jelly beans left.There were two more boys than girls in her class.How many students were in her class?
5.The letters A,B,Cand D all represent digits.what digit does D represent?
6.On a checkerboard composed of 64 unit squares,what is the probability that a randomly chosen unit square does not touch the outer edge of the board?
7.A one-cubic-foot cube is cut into four pieces by three cuts parallel to the top face of the cube. The first cut is ½ foot from the top face.The second cut is 1/3 foot below the first cut,and the third cut is 1/17 foot below the second cut.From the top to the bottom the pieces are labeled A,B,C and D.The pieces are then glned together end to end in the order C,B,A,D to make a long solid as shown below.What is the total surface area of this solid in square feet?

2。安迪和柏珊妮有一个矩形阵列的编号和40行和75个栏目安迪·加编号ineach排他的平均金额是40 . 伯大尼加数字在每个多…她的75岁的平均金额是B . 什么是价值的A / B吗?
3。有多少全数字1到1000不含1 ?
4。在学期的最后一天,夫人老天给软心豆粒糖给她的课她给了每个男孩尽可能多的软心豆粒糖作为三个男孩在课堂上她给了每个女孩一样多的软心豆粒糖是班上女孩…她带著四百果冻baens,当她结束了,她有六个软心豆粒糖离开. 有两个男孩比女孩在她的课有多少学生是在她的课吗?
7。一个one-cubic-foot立方切成四件由三个削减的顶面平行的方块。第一次手术是半英尺的顶面第二个割下1 / 3英尺的第一步,第三切割1/17以下第二削减从上到下的零件都是标记A、B、C、D . 这个片段然后glned一起端对端在C、B,D做出一个漫长的固体如下什么是总用地面积固平方英尺吗?
第1个回答  2010-09-13
一个等腰三角测量1.Two角度70 °和Ⅹ °。什么是Ⅹ三个可能值之和?
2.Andy和伯大尼有40行和75 columns.Andy一矩形阵列的数字增加了他的40号ineach款项row.The平均是A贝瑟尼增加了她的75个,每年平均数字的款项colunm.The是B 。什么是价值的A / B ?
4.On学校的最后一天, Mrs.Wonderfui糖豆给她class.She给每个孩子尽可能多的果冻豆为3人的class.She给每个男孩女孩的果冻豆,因为许多人在班上女孩。果冻baens她带来了400 ,当她完成后,她有6个糖豆left.There两个比她的许多学生class.How女孩男孩在她班上有?
五,字母A,B , C和D都代表digits.what数字不Ð代表什么?
6.On 64个单位组成的正方形棋盘,什么是概率随机选择一个单位正方形没有触及董事会外缘?
7.A 1立方英尺立方体切成四大块三平行削减到立方体顶面。第一刀是从顶部face.The半脚是第二次削减1 / 3低于第一切脚,而第三个削减1 / 17英尺低于第二cut.From到这两块上下是一个标记,乙,丙,丁的作品一起,然后glned结束的顺序ć,乙,甲, Ð年底作出如下所示长期稳固below.What是总面积在此坚实平方英尺?



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