For 8-9, combine each group of sentences into one sentence, using coordination:

For 8-9, combine each group of sentences into one sentence, using coordination:
8.Mr. Fisher does not love the environment. He is not accustomed to the weather either.
9.Television has been called in the United States a source of information. It is also called a means of entertainment. Its severest critics call it a “plug-in” drug.

8. Mr. Fisher does not love the environment. He is not accustomed to the weather either.
用 who 连成定语从句 Mr. Fisher, who is not accustomed to the weather either, does not love the environment. He .
9. Television has been called in the United States a source of information. It is also called a means of entertainment. Its severest critics call it a “plug-in” drug.
用 and 和关系代词 whose 连成并列复合句 Television has been called in the United States a source of information and tt is also called a means of entertainment, whose severest critics call it a "plug-in" drug.



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