为什么说for sb to do sth?


在你给的例子中It was exciting for me to visit the Great Wall for the first time

其中It是“形式主语”,for to 结构是真正的主语;可以说对于it和 for to结构表示同一事物时,it在句子是什么成分,for to 就是什么成分

for sb to do sth结构为for加名词或代词宾格再加不定式构成的复合结构,它在句子中可以用作以下句子成分:  一、用作主语.如:  for sb to do sth结构在句子中可以用作主语.如:  For you to ask Joe would be a big mistake.你要是去问乔,那将是一大错误.  For Ann to go to France would make me very happy.安要是到法国去将使我感到很高兴.  二、用作表语.如:  for sb to do sth结构有时可用作表语.如:  It is for you to decide.该由你来决定.  His idea is for us to travel in separate cars.他的意思是我们不要同乘一辆汽车.  There’s a plan for Jack to spend a year in Japan.有一个计划是让杰克在日本呆上一年.  三、用作宾语.如:  for sb to do sth结构有时也可用作某些动词的宾语.如:  She hates for people to feel sad.她不愿看到人们忧心忡忡.  I thought it strange for her to be out so late.她这么晚还不回来,我觉得有些奇怪.  I would like for you to stay as long as you want.我希望你留下来,想留多久就留多久.  四、用作定语.如:  for sb to do sth结构用可以作定语.如:  It’s time for everybody to go to bed.是大家睡觉的时候了.  He raised his arm as a signal for us to stop.他抬起手臂示意我们停下.  五、用作状语.如:  for sb to do sth结构可以用作状语.如():  We were all shouting for him to shoot.我们都喊着要他射门.(表目的)  This is much too heavy for you to lift.这东西太重,你拿不起来.(表结果)  How would it do for me to write to him?我来给他写信如何?(表条件)



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