
近年来网上流行一首中英对照的诗。大家可能听说过——中文名是“世界上最遥远的距离”,英文名是“The furthest distance in the world"。很多人都认为此诗是英文诗,作者是泰戈尔。但事实上大错特错。据考证,这首诗的第一段出自于香港女作家张小娴的一本小说中女主角的台词。后来这段文字在台湾很流行,一群医学院大学生在BBS上对其进行了集体创作接龙。而又不知从何时起,诗又署上了泰戈尔的大名,如果在网上搜索的话,80%的人都认为它是泰戈尔的作品,很多杂志、网站都是这样标注的。我因为很喜欢这首诗的中文版,所以花时间去查找资料,最终我认为他不是泰戈尔写的英文诗,因为它的中文版更为流畅自然,相比起英文版的诸多语法错误来说。

Online popular in recent years, a chinese english bilingual text. you may hear, "chinese name is the vastest distance in the" english name is “The furthest distance in the world".Many people think this is an english poem, the author's tagore. but in fact a mistake. thor heyerdahl proposed that the poem from the first time in hong kong women 张小娴 of the heroine of a novel of his lines. the paragraph is very popular in taiwan, a group of medical school students are on the bbs for the collective creative chain.And from time immemorial, the poetry and the name, if the tagore internet search, 80% people think it is tagore, many magazines, the web site that this is indicated.Because i am very fond of this poem by chinese, so take time to find information and, finally, i don't think he wrote english poetry tagore, because the chinese version more fluent in english of course, compared to many grammatical errors.



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