

X-ray x
X, x
/ eks; Zks/ n (pl X's, x's / 5eksIz; `ZksIz/) the twenty-fourth letter of the English alphabet
表的第二十四个字母: `Xylophone' begins with (an) X/`X'. xylophone一字以x字母开始.

X chromosome
(biology 生) chromosome that occurs as one of an identical pair in female cells to produce a female in the reproductive process, or singly combined with a single Y chromosome in male cells to produce a male X染色体. Cf 参看 Y chromosome (Y).

X (also x)
symb 符号 1 Roman numeral for 10
的10. 2 (esp in letters, etc, indicating a kiss 尤用於书信等, 表示亲吻的符号): Love from Cathy XXX 卡西向你表示爱意, 吻你、 吻你、 吻你. 3 (indicating a vote on a ballot-paper, etc 选票等上面表示投票的记号):
X 詹姆斯·
X. 4 (indicating an error on corrected written work, etc 在批改书面作业等中, 用作表示错误的符号). 5 (a) (mathematics 数) unknown quantity 未知数: 4x = x + x + x + x. (b) (fig 比喻) unknown or unspecified person, number or influence 未知的或未指明的人、 数或影响力: Mr and Mrs X X先生及夫人. 6 (indicating a position marked eg on a map 表示标出的某位置(如标於地图上者)): X marks the spot. 有X字样者即是该处. 7 (also Xt) = Christ (Greek
之 Christos): Xtian, 即 Christian * Xmas, 即 Christmas.

/ 5eks reI; `Zks9re/ n 1 (usu pl except when used attributively 除用作定语外, 通常作复数) type of short-wave electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate solids and make it possible to see into or through them *
: an X-ray machine, ie one that emits X-rays *
* an X-ray telescope, ie one that can examine and measure the X-rays emitted by stars, etc *
望远镜 * X-ray therapy, ie medical treatment using X-rays *
疗法. 2 (a) (also radiograph) photograph made by X-rays, esp one showing bones or organs in the human body *X射线照片(尤指显示
或器官者): a chest X-ray 胸部X射线照片 * take an X-ray of sb's hand 拍摄某人手部的X射线照片 * The doctor doesn't think I've broken a bone but he's waiting to see the X-rays. 医生认为我并未骨折, 但他正等著看X射线照片. (b) (infml 口) medical examination using X-rays 用X射线作的临床检查.

v [Tn] (a) examine or photograph (sb/sth) using X-rays 用 X 射线检查或拍摄(某人[某物]): Whenhis lungs were X-rayed the disease could be clearly seen. 对他的肺部进行了 X 射线检查, 疾病一目了然. (b) treat (sb/sth) medically using X-rays 用 X 射线治疗(某人[某物]).

/ 5zi:nCn; `zi9nBn/ n [U] chemical element, a colourlessand odourless inert gas 氙. =>App 10

/ 9zenE5fEUbIE; 9zZnE`fobIE/ n [U] intense dislike or fear of foreigners or strangers 对外国人或陌生人的憎恶或恐惧: Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 爱国主义过了头即可导致仇视一切外国人.

/ -5fEUbIk; -`fobIk/ adj.

/ 5zIErCks; `zIr9Bks/ n (propr 专利名) 1 process for producing photocopies without the use of wet materials (乾式的)
, 复印: [attrib 作定语] a Xerox machine (乾式)
. Cf 参看 photocopy, Photostat. 2 photocopy made using this process (乾式
, 复印件: make/take a couple of Xeroxes of the contract 复制出合同的

v [I, Tn] produce copies of (documents, etc) using the Xerox or a similar process
, 复印(文件等):Could you xerox this letter please, Paula? 葆拉, 请你把这封信复印一份行吗?

/ 5kR:sE; `kRsB/ n 1 [C] member of a Bantu people of Cape Province, S Africa 科萨人(南非

的成员). 2 [U] their language 科萨语.


/ 9eks 5el; 9Zks `Zl/ abbr 缩写 = (esp on clothing) extra large (尤作衣物上的标记)特大号.

/ 5krIsmEs, 5eksmEs; `krIsmEs, `ZksmEs/ n [C, U] (infml 口) (used as a short form, esp in writing 用作缩略式, 尤用於文字中) = Christmas: A merry Xmas to all our readers! 谨向我们所有的读者敬祝

= Xsymb 符号 7.

/ 5zaIlEfEJn; `zaIlE9fon/ n musical instrument consisting of parallel wooden or metal bars mounted on a frame, which are of different lengths and so produce different notes when struck with small wooden hammers
. =>illus at App 1
1插图, page xi.
第1个回答  2014-01-11
xerox 贼啊柔克斯 xmas就跟圣诞节一样读 xylophone栽了风



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