
On a rubbish run to work ,I was greeted with a sight that made me both sad and angry.On the top of the pile of rubbish sat a small dog .He was too high up to get down,and there was no way that he could have climbed up by himself .He had been thrown out with the rubbish by some sick -minded person.
I took him back to my workplace and then home with me.I dinn't want to take him to the lost animal society.However,later that evening,my boss heard that someone had lost their dog and ave them my number.I was beryl surprised when the dog's owner phoned me.
She came straight over to fetch him and was very thankful for what I'd done.The dog was sitting on an electric blanket happily playing with a ball when she arrived.
Maybe she'd been putting her rubbish into bags and had left one on the floor. The little dog had jumped in there,and without realizing where he was,she'd tied the vagaa and dropped it off at the collection point.Lucky,he was able to find his way out somehow,and had found himself high up.
It made me feel very silly for jumping to such a wrong conclusion.It was obvious that she loved her dog very much,and I felt sorry for what I'd been thinking about its owner all afternoon .
Now I'm never sure that something happened in a certain way,no matter how obious it appears.And when i hear people drawing a conclusion without the facts,I tell them about the dog on the rubbish pile.

Baseball is American's national sport.So is is not unusual that many popular expressions come from baseball.But first,let me explain a little about the game.
Each baseball team has nine platers.The pitcher of one team throws the ball to a batter from the other team.The batter attempts to hit the ball.If he misses,it is called a strike.If a batter gets three strikes,he loses his turn at bat and is called out.The batter also is out if he hits the ball in the air and an opposing player catches it.But if the batter hits the ball and it is not caught,the batter trieste to run to one or more of the four bases on the field.The batter can run to all four bases if he hits the ball over the fence or out of the ballpark.Such a hit is called a homerun.
Now,here are some common expressions from baseball.Someone who is "on the ball " is intelligent and able to do a good job.But a person who "threw a curve ball " "did something unexpected ".Someone who "stepson up tps the plate" is ready to do his or her job.A "pinch hitter" takeshi the place of the someone else at a job or activity.
Sometimes I have to give information quickly,without time to think it over.Then I would say something "right off the bat. " If someone is doing an extremely good job and is very successful,you might say he or she is "batting one thousand ."
If I say I want to "touch base " with you,I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do.

有天我在上班的时候经过个垃圾堆,眼前的景象然后既伤心又生气~一只小狗坐在一堆垃圾上面~垃圾堆太高了它下不来~他自己根本就不可能爬到那么高~他被当做垃圾被一个脑子有病(= =)的人丢掉了~~~

这里是一些普遍的棒球用语~“在球上”的人是聪明的人~但是一个丢弯球的人是会做一些令人意想不到的事情的人~站在垒上的人是准备好工作的人~pinch hitter(实在不知道该怎么翻译)在工作上取代别人~
有事我必须要很快的给出一些信息~没有时间去想~然后就可以说right off the bat~如果一个人很好的完成了工作~你可以跟他说batting one thousand~

第二篇是俚语很不好翻译= =i tried my best.....这个都是我一个一个字打上去的。。。。。请勿抄袭~~~~~~~~~~~
第1个回答  2010-10-09
在垃圾跑去上班,视力,使我既伤心和愤怒的. 顶部的一堆垃圾坐在一只小狗。他太高了下来,没有办法,他可能爬上。他曾亲自用垃圾扔出一些生病的的人。
我带他回我的工作,然后带回家我不想带他到失去的动物协会然而,那天晚上,我的老板听说有人已经失去了他们的狗的数量和他们我. 我是水苍玉惊讶狗的主人给我打电话了。

第2个回答  2010-10-09
在垃圾堆旁边跑去上班,视力,使我既伤心和愤怒的. 顶部的一堆垃圾坐在一只小狗。他太高了下来,没有办法,他可能爬上。他曾亲自用垃圾扔出一些生病的-minded的人。
我带他回我的工作,然后带回家我我dinn不想带他到失去的动物协会然而,那天晚上,我的老板听说有人已经失去了他们的狗的数量和他们我. 我是水苍玉惊讶狗的主人给我打电话了。




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